Bridgette and Alejandro

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**Bridgette started a private chat with Alejandro**

Bridgette: Hey!😊

Alejandro: ¿Qué? Was this meant for Geoff?

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Alejandro: ¿Qué? Was this meant for Geoff?

Bridgette: No, Geoff broke up with me💔

Alejandro: Oh? I'm sorry to hear that.

Bridgette: Yeah, he's still angry at me for the whole pole kissing thing...

Alejandro: So immature, he is. Doesn't he realize that it was only a game for me?

Bridgette: Oh yes, he knows that. He just hates me for trying to kiss you😢 I've apologized so many times!

Alejandro: I mean, you did cheat on him. But yes, I can agree he is living in the past.

Bridgette: Exactly! I just feel so lonely now...😔

Alejandro: Maybe going out with friends will help?

Bridgette: No, I just need someone. Someone to care about me like Geoff did

Alejandro: Then find another guy? I don't know. And quite frankly, I don't care. I'm not your counselor.

Bridgette sighed in frustration and out her phone down. 'Obviously this isn't working. I'll have to take things to the next level. This is really messed up, but it's to get revenge on Heather. Heather ruined everything. She took away my true love.' She scrolled through her phone and found a swimsuit picture she had sent to Geoff a few months ago.

Bridgette: Ok, but before I go, can I ask you something?

Alejandro: ¿Sí?

Bridgette: Does this swimsuit look good on me?

Alejandro: Bridgette! What is the purpose of this picture?!

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Alejandro: Bridgette! What is the purpose of this picture?!

Bridgette: Well I figured since you look good, you'd know if another person looks good😉

Alejandro: Wait a minute

Alejandro: Are you flirting with me?

Bridgette: ...Maybe😏

Alejandro: I'm flattered that you find me attractive, but as you know, I'm taken.

Bridgette: I know, but aren't you tired of Heather? Doesn't she annoy you?

Alejandro: I will NEVER get tired of mi amor! And no, she does not annoy me! She's more attractive than you and the rest of the expendable women in the world combined!

Bridgette: ...Ok then. I don't like you either! I was just using you!

Alejandro: Have I ever cared? No! And using me for what?!

Bridgette: Heather ruined my relationship with Geoff😡

Alejandro: Oh yes, that. In case you haven't noticed, that is not her fault. You could have chosen not to try and kiss me.

Bridgette: But you tricked me!!

Alejandro: Yes, and? You still had a boyfriend.

Bridgette: You know what? I hate both you and Heather! You two really deserve each other!!

Alejandro: Ok, have fun with your delusional way of living.

Bridgette: Evil!

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