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Diya knew that he sat in the bed when it dipped on the other side. She was lying on the bed and trying to sleep. She clutched the bedspread to control herself from crying loud. She slowly opened her eyes, knowing that he had moved out from the bed.

Diya turned her head and saw that he was sitting on the balcony in some deep thoughts. His face was glowing from the moonlight. It was fitful silvery. Now, she was relieved that he won't force her.

She felt her life was contented before her marriage. She didn’t expect her 1st day of her wedding with such complications. She has a person whom she could tell as her husband now. But she can't share her feelings or opinions with him. She expected this person in her life to be serene and trustworthy. But now she knew she isn’t lucky enough to get a life partner as she thought.   

Diya thought to herself, will I ever have a happy, married life? Am I in a lion's den? How could I trust him? Am I going to tolerate him for my whole life? Will he ever change? How will I tell this to dad? Will Ram understand, if I try once again to explain him? Whom should I go to share it? Or have I misunderstood him? But what is the necessity for that person to tell me about him? She had many unansweredquestions.

With that Diya, thought back of her life before marriage. A drop of tear left her eyes......

“Diya wake up, It's already half-past nine”. She heard a voice, which was a usual alarm. It was her mom’s voice. 

Diya lifted her blanket from her face. She rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them. Then, she stretched her hand while yawning and commanded in a sleepy voice,” Sita get me a coffee”.

Sita sighed and responded angrily, "No, I can't. Come to the kitchen and take it yourself. Stop being lazy, Diya”. Diya heard footsteps approaching her and covered her face with the blanket again.

Someone lifted the blanket from her face and called, “Achuma, get up!!!”. It was Diya's dad, Ramachandran.

“Ram say your wife to bring me a coffee” said Diya in a childish manner and placed her head on top of her father's lap by hugging his stomach. Her dad seeing her sleepy face, adjusted her hair that was in the temple. He chuckled and cleaned the drool with tissue paper.

Ramachandran gently caressed her hair. He said “okay” and called his wife,” Sita, Bring a coffee”.

Sita entered Diya's room with a coffee and stared at her. She looked at the father and daughter duo and complained angrily. "She is not a kid now, you are spoiling her. We have already started to search for an alliance. So, ask her to come and learn to prepare some basic food in the kitchen”.

“Don't be an old-fashioned mummy, Sita. I will do it myself when I have to. Hmmmm …. or you don’t have to worry about it. I'll find my Mister husband who'll do these works for me, without me asking him to do. From morning coffee to arranging bedspread at night. I'm sure I will help him with it. Unlike you, look at my poor dad. He works in his office and also here. Sooooo..... sad of him”, said Diya winking at her dad.

Meanwhile listening, to all her blabberings, Sita looked for something turning to her right and left. She then found a scale and ran to hit Diya with it playfully. But before Sita could reach her, she hid behind her father. Ramachandran was laughing hard and tried to save his daughter from his wife.

Diya's dad kissed her forehead. He saw Sita, who was standing in front of him, and replied,” I will get my daughter married to a gem in a wealthy family. So, you need not worry about that”.

Diya blinked her eyes and said with a smiling face, "I love you, Ram, and hugged her dad”.

Sita sat on the bed with her back facing them. She started folding the bedsheets. “Enough of your lovey-dovey acts. Get up, Diya. Come for breakfast as soon as possible”, said Sita in a gloomy tone.  

Sensing her tone Diya, looked at her father where he was already looking at her. Ramachandran looked at Diya with a 'What-was-that-tone-for' look?? Diya at first, shrugged her shoulders.

Then she smiled at his father and hugged her mom from behind. “ohohho hooooo, someone is feeling left alone. I......... Oops sorry, we love you mom”, cooed Diya in her naughty tone. 

Ramachandran moved to them and announced, “Here comes our family hug”. All three hugged and were laughing. Ramachandran continued, “I love it. I feel complete when the most important ladies in my life are with me in my hands”.

Sita seeing them smiling, grinned and said, “I love you too, Ammu”. She then questioned Diya, “But, how many times I had asked you not to call us by name?”.

Diya took a sip of coffee and said provocatively,” Sita, the name is to be called”.

Sita stood up sighed. She said, "You will not understand. Do as your wish”.

Ramachandran's phone vibrated. He said to his daughter and wife, “Okay now, let’s end it. I have some work to be done. I'm leaving for office dears. Take care. And this is for you Diya, I know you were planning yesterday with my cuties for an outing. So be careful and come home safe and soon”. He kissed her forehead and left home.

Sita said, “Diya go have a bath and come soon to have your breakfast” and returned to the kitchen. “Help! Help! cockroach”. 

Sita heard someone screaming. She knew it was Diya. She walked to the washroom and shouted from outside. “Stop it, Diya. Don't make me angry. Come out fast after bathing. Still, you are afraid of insects”. She let a paah sound and left Diya’s room.

Diya ran outside with a towel wrapped around her and jumped to the bed. “Sita come here na... just help me once!!!!!!!!!!!” Diya requested her mother.

Sita entered the room again with the broomstick and chased the cockroach away. 

“Sita kill it now. Otherwise, it may come again”, said Diya closing her eyes for which Sita laughed out loud. Sita then, left her room, but peeped inside again and said, "You are not going to grow up. You are too childish Diya”. 

Diya picked a black and white striped jumpsuit from her wardrobe after coming out of the washroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and complimented, “You look too pretty, like a doll in this outfit, Diya” and patted her shoulder. She left her hair free and with natural curls.

Diya had her breakfast with her mom. She called her friends and informed them about the meeting at their favorite place in an hour. She took her sling bag and informed her mom that she is going out with her friends. Even before Sita could come out of the kitchen to enquire, she flew like a bird within a minute in her baby Dio which was recently gifted by her parents.

On the way, her phone rang with a song, yen sandakaari needhan.... (a Tamil song). Diya picked the call, “Diya where are you yaar? Movie is going to start. You will be the first person to plan something but always late to the destination. This is not fair yaar! Come soon.” shouted Magadhi at once without any break. 

“Magi just breathe buddy. Don’t overreact to everything, I’m at the entrance of the Forum mall. Just a minute I'll be at the floor” Diya assured and reached the floor. She bent and balanced her hands on the knees, gasping heavily. 

“Come fast guys let’s enter the theatre. You guys knew it. I want to start watching the movie from the beginning. Then why do you make me mad all the time”, Magadhi urged both of them.

Diya felt annoyed and said, “Wait! let me breathe out. And you know what the show is at half-past 10, not 10. We were playing with you.” Magadhi glared at them.

At that time, Nisha came forward and said, “Yes, right. You relax a bit, Diya. Magadi and I will go and get some food to eat. I’m starving ".

Diya and Magadhi stared at Nisha for a while and chuckled. “You always think only about eating kiddo”. They got some food and entered screen 5.

They booked tickets for an English horror movie ‘Lights out’. Magadhi suggested watching the movie by viewing the teaser. She thought this will be the best horror movie to watch in the theatre to scare Nisha. They sat in the first row in the middle seats of it.

The film began. Nisha sat in between Magadhi and Diya. she took hold of one of their hands tightly on both sides.

Nisha was too scared in one of the scary scenes, she jumped and sat on Magadhi's lap. Diya and Magadhi more than watching the movie they made fun of Nisha and laughed inside the theatre. People who were inside were looking at them weirdly. As there was nothing, they could laugh in the horror movie. 

Coming out of the screen. the trio was continuously laughing without taking into the concern of those people looking at them awkwardly. “Guys stop it na. Every time you're making fun of me, when we appear for a horror movie” Nisha whined.

Diya chuckled and said, “It’s because only you are behaving like a child in every horror movie. C'mon grow up lady”. Diya and Magadhi giggled. They continued walking.

Nisha thought that her friends were teasing her a lot today. She questioned them, “Won’t you guys remember the movie when you switch off the lights tonight?”.

Diya and Magadhi shook their head at the same time answering her, “NOOOOO................” and hi-fied each other.

Nisha replied to them, "You are lying. I know you guys will atleast once tonight ".

Diya placed her hands on Nisha's shoulder and said,” It's just a movie, Yaar. Why are you still behaving like a kid?”

Nisha stared at her and said, “Diya, you both may not fear after watching the movie to switch off the light, but I will “.

She then continued, "You both know I fear from my small for ghosts and ghost movies. But you both will always plan to watch it. Do you know for one week from today onwards, I will have nights of disturbed sleep? I will request my mom to sleep with me. She will make fun of me like you guys and scold me for watching the scary movies”.

Diya listened to her with a smile on her face. 

Suddenly Nisha felt someone was following them. She conveyed it to her friends. 
“Do you guys feel that someone is watching or following us?” Nisha questioned.

Diya said in a teasing voice, “Yup, the devil is watching us. Don't go anywhere alone today, it might kill you”.

Nisha felt terrified and requested, "Don't scare me Diya. You know about me. I have to get to work tomorrow”. She could sense someone is still following them.

Diya hit her head and said, “Cool Momo. It's just for fun”.

Nisha stopped them in the way and dragged her by asking, “Why do you call me MOMO?

Diya leaned to her ears and said, “You look like the ‘Momo’ that was trending as hackers. It looked like a ghost too. So, we named you. But here your frightened of a ghost”, and laughed out loud. She continued, " ..... and for the same, I chose Saithan for Magadhi too.
Am I right, Magadhi?".

Both of them, at the same time, smacked Diya's head. They said in unison, "IDIOT" and Diya ran to the table.

They sat in the chairs near the escalator as they were planning for the next place.  

Nisha raised her eyebrows and pointed to Diya’s neck. Diya sheepishly smiled. Nisha started to advise her. “Why do you still wear the chain Diya? How many times I've told you to keep it somewhere at your home and not to wear it. This doesn’t belong to you!!!”. 

“Yes, Nisha it is not mine. I'm wearing it because I want it to be safe” replied Diya with a straight face and thought about something......


Sorry for the late update......😅

UPDATE..... How was the chapter? About family and friends. Can you relate😉? Did you remember any incidents 😍😍😍while reading? I  will forever cherish those memories with my friends. So as always.... but important..... Do comment and vote. 🌟
          Do share it with your friends, if you think they would like it. Thanks in advance.😁❤ We wait to know your views. Have a great week.

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