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Kavya roared, “I am waiting for you, Diya.”

Diya Said, “Ok." She ended the call.

Diya wore a skirt with a knee-length top and walked outside her room. She reached the living room.

Parvathi and Nishanth were chatting happily. Diya could hear them talking, but it was an eerie silence for her. She thought about the days she lived with her parents.

The way she sits on her father’s lap even just before her marriage. The thought of it made her smile sadly. The way she was pampered, starting from the morning coffee to the forehead kiss at night... everything was full of love. The banters between all of them for choosing a restaurant for dinner. The idea of just informing her parents that she is going out. The love they showered her.

Love… though she knew Parvathi loves her like her own daughter, she is definitely different from her parents. The fact is... she is Nishanth’s mom first.

Diya thought of her parents where her eyes filled with tears.
Nishanth saw Diya standing in the middle of the staircase with a frown. He noticed something was off.

He cleared his throat and said, “Come, let’s all have breakfast.”

Diya sat in between Nishanth and Parvathi. They knew how will Diya, have her breakfast in the morning.

She would have it like a person starving for more than a day. But that happens... only if her mood is good. If she is sour, she would just play with it.

Parvathi looked at Nishanth, who glanced at Diya as if he felt the same. Parvathi smiled by staring at Nishanth.

When Nishanth looked at Parvathi, he saw her smirking, which later turned into a genuine smile tugging her lips.

Nishanth asked his mom by mouthing what had happened to Diya. Parvathi shrugged and saw Diya, who was twirling the fork with noodles.

Parvathi nodded her head by assuring that she would ask about it.

Parvathi initiated the conversation, "What happened, Diya?"

Diya smiled at her and replied, "It's nothing, maa. Just thinking of something. Something... I couldn't change."

Parvathi assured, "You can tell me anything, Diya. I'm here to share everything."

Diya nodded her head. Nishanth was restless. He wanted to know her thoughts, fear, and many more things that haunted her.

Nishanth spoke to ease the moment. Though he made funny statements, he was keen to know her reason.

After breakfast, Nishanth said to Parvathi, “Mom, we both are going out.”

Parvathi felt happy and said, “Go and come back safe. Don’t forget to buy what I told you.” She reminded Nishanth.

Diya didn’t know what they were speaking. So, she didn’t interfere in the middle.

She was confused as Nishanth was taking her out. She wasn't scared. But she was perplexed.

Finally, Nishanth and Diya were in the car. Nishanth was driving where Diya was seated in the secondary driving seat.

Diya questioned him, “Where are we going?”

Nishanth had a smile on his face. He questioned her instead, “Where would you like to go?”

Diya stared at him and said, “Will you take me… wherever I would like to go?”

Nishanth nodded his head and said, “Yes. But… after I show you the surprise that is waiting for you.”

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