Impossible is just a reason for someone not to try

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She told me people always left her

And she was scared of me leaving too

I told her I'd never leave her

And that I didn't understand why

She told me she loved me

Every single night

We hoped these miles didn't exist

And that we would hug each other tight

One day we'll meet

One day, I promised.

I texted her

She didn't reply

Not once

But millions of times

We changed day by day

She didn't ask me if I was doing alright

Sometimes she told me she loved me lots

And that she cared about me more than anything

But she didn't show

And then I started to understand

Why people left her

Because if you were treating your friends

The same way as you are treating me

I don't have to start and wonder

Why they left you all alone

Dit zat dus echt al een aantal weken in mijn hoofd en ik wilde het even opschrijven. Misschien denken jullie, wat heeft de titel er mee te maken? Nou, echt heel erg veel. Vetrouw me maar op mijn woord. x

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