Chapter 2: who are you?

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I know sending him to the dungeon was harsh... but what happened to my father tells me otherwise. He allowed someone into the castle without question and he payed the price. He almost died... mother was not so fortunate to survive. I know he is just a child but I must make sure he is not a spy... even if it means locking him up.

"Flower... he is but a child. He means no harm." How can he be so sure. He knew the castle like it was the back of his hand. Yet he claims he has never... wait he never did say he hasn't been to space. Who is he? And what are his motives. I must ask the other people and the blue paladin what they think of him. "Father honestly we must ensure that we are all safe before we release him." He looked at me before shaking his head and leaving "ill be in my room if you need me." I don't get why he is so disappointed at. The kid knew too much not to have been a spy.

I'll ask Shiro first. I set my way to Shiro's room and knock. "It's open!" What does he mean the door is clearly closed. So I knock again. "You can come in. I walk into the room to see him sat on his bed hands on his head. "Are you ok?" He nods his head. "If you don't mind could you tell me about the boy... he seemed to be quite attached to you?"

"Honestly I have no idea who he is... I know Lance and Katie... sorry Pidge. But the others are mysteries to me." She looked at me with a questionable Dave before nodding and leaving the room. It's strange I feel as though I am constantly floating. Everything feels surreal to me. As if I am in a dream that I can not wake up from. I know the name Keith but I simply can not put the name to a face. Hunk reminds me... wait hunk is Tsuyoshi... I wondered why he looked familiar. I used to pilot with his brother. That clears hunks name... but Keith.


"Hey hey it's ok I'm not going to hurt you." I say softly. The young boy still cowering in the corner of the hospital room. "It's ok I mean it I won't..." suddenly people in white rush in causing the boy to jump into my arms in fear. "It's on _______ your safe now."

*flashback end*

What was that. I grab my head to try and silence the now screeching feeling that I knew that boy. Suddenly the pain stops. Maybe he is someone I shouldn't remember. (Oh no Your so wrong to forget your baby bean 😭).

I walk out of the room to find Allura to tell her I remembered who Hunk was.


I'm still sat in the same spot I was in yesterday. They haven't come in since... I haven't eaten since 3 days ago. I was going to eat before I left Earth but i trained for most of the day meaning I wasted a day and I didn't have chance to the day after because Shiro was found. So now I am running on fumes.

How could Shiro just forget me like that... after he promised me he would protect me. "I'll always be here to protect you." Were the words he used as he held me in the hospital. Just as I say that the door opens revealing a ginger man. I turn my back to him "hello... I brought you some grub... you haven't eaten since you arrived yesterday." I ignored him. He is with her after all. The face she pulled at me... it was filled with fear and many other feelings. How could someone I have never met before pull such a face towards me. I've done nothing to her. "I'll just leave it here for you." He leave. Why would I eat that? I have no idea what it is or what he has put into it. Guess I'll be going hungry for another day. My eyes begin to close as the world goes dark.


I spoke to Shiro again Apparently he knows Hunk after trying to remember so I guess that gives him the ok. But Keith is still a problem. I guess I'll go to Lance next. I walk towards his room and knock "it's open!!" Again the door is clearly closed!! I knock again " I said it's..." Lance opens the door as I speak "what is it with you and your species in saying the door is open when it is clearly closed!!" He looks at me before bursting into a fit of hysterics. "What is so funny?" He continues to laugh "it's only a phrase... the door is not physically open but unlocked and I am allowing you to come in." He continues to laugh. "Anyways what can I do for you princess?" "I want your words on Keith... the others have little knowledge on him so I thought you would."

"Aaaa that's what you wanted." He motioned for me to sit down. "Keith was not always the most open of people... he hasn't been since I met him... I know little of his childhood every time someone would ask he would change the subject immediately. I've never seen him mention Shiro though." So even Lance hasn't seen Keith with Shiro. So is it a lie or not? "Thank you... I think I shall retire back to my room now." He nods his head and I leave his room.

So they know not of Keith's background or his relationship with Shiro. I do not want to see him simply because I don't trust him. He may be hound but even the youngest can be dangerous. Their Kits and Youngling are the extremely adorable but put under certain situations and they become killing machines. Why am I comparing Keith to the Galra? Get that out of your head... he is human? Right? I'll have to do a blood test.

"Coran can you meet me in the control room please I need you for a moment." I will find out who you are And what you are. I will go down before letting my new team be killed by another traitor. But the question that stands now is.

Who are you?

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