The Setup

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Jade:If i ever find this Broker they're dead
Hatchet:None of us wanted to be here Jade
It's all our lives on the line
Harvey:Then make sure we do this properly
Jade:This place dosent look too bad
Only a couple guards outside
Hatchet:Teah, I need to shut down the alarm to get inside

*After disabling the alarms and getting in throug the garage*

Harvy:Here we go. Have a look around
Search their files If you can
Hatchet:Got it. Found the papperwork
I've got inforamtion on the driver here
Harvy:Great, good. Tag the trucks and get us in their servers now

*After placing the tracers on the trucks*

Hatchet:Tracers are planted on our trucks
Harvey:Good, now get to thath server room
We need accsess to get their routes

*After hacking the servers*

Hatchet:Conection is set up
Harvey:Ecellent, one last thing
Get to their deposit room and empty their safe
Hatchet:So Jade, what happend in Vegas?
Harvey won't tell me the story
Harvey:Hey you don't need to worry about...
Jade:Nope too late it's story time

So some group approuched us about hitting a mark
This was a casino owner Harvey and i had worked togheter before
We did alright togheter as con artists
Util this time... He screwed up
Couldn't play his part, tipped off the mark, almost got us both shot
Swore when we got out I'd never work with him again
Here we are

The chapter is over you dont have to read this
Dialogue When killing a or uncanoning Your run
Harvey:Did you not read the brifing
The freelancer:Uh... Maybe
Harvey: Did you see the part where it said don't kill anyone?
The Freelancer: I did, I just didn't care

Harvey: ...You just killed someone
The Freelancer: I did just kill someone
Harvey: Are you going to apologize for killing someone?
The Freelancer: Nope. I'm not even going to acknowledge it was a mistake

Breaking the 4th wall dialogue

Harvey: Great. This run isn't canon now. Good job
The Freelancer: Shh it's fine
Let me play the game how I want to play

Harvey: If this was Legend the mission would have just failed
The Freelancer: It's not legend though
Also, stop breaking my immersion
Harvey: Stop breaking my rules

Entry Point Story-Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now