Halycon takedown pt.1

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*At the base*

Jackdaw: We need a way to take down halycon
Hatchet: I know of a place we can go, only problem is that it's a U.S. Army warehouse
Sparrow: How secure is it?
Hatchet: You need to be a Sergant or above to get it, you need permision from a captain or above to get accse and you need to scheduel a week ahead before arriving
Shadow: What are they storing there?
Hatchet: Advanced weapons and body armor, experimental weapons, explosives and vehicles
Jackdaw: How do we get in?
Hatchet: I know a guy, meet him while I was in the service
Madcat: What do we need?
Hatchet: the trucks have trackers that will sound an alarm If the truck is standing still for to long with no reports or If it takes a diffrent way. We need trucks, millitary IDs and uniforms for everyone coming

*the next week at the warehouse*

Guard: ID and entrance pass. *looks at IDs and entrance pass* You can pass
Hatchet: *after parking the car and waiting for the others* everyone know the plan?
Everyone: Yes
Hatchet: good
Warehouse staff: We have a list of items stored here, over there *points to a hallway* we have experimental body armor completly bullet, acid and exsplosive proof, over there *points to a diffrent hallway* is the experimental weapons
Hatchet: *goes to the experimental weapons with Shadow, Nuke and Jackdaw* They have all kinds of new weapons stored here, advanced rifles and machine guns
Shadow: *points at a experimental machine gun* look at that requires at least two people to use it Hatchet you wanna give it a try
Hatchet: Lets do it
The two then pick up the machine gun and put on the ammunition backpack connected to it before shooting at some targets the machine gun shoots at extremly high rates
Nuke: *picks up exsplosive* look at this
Hatchet: be careful with that experimental exsplosive made for destroying entire bunkers and other enemy targets

*with the others at the body armor area*

Madcat along with White Tiger go to the body armor area where they see experimental body armor
Warehouse staff: this is the newest technology in body armor If you would observe *picks up a .44 magnum and Shoots the body armor and uses a .50 cal to shoot it* no damage at all to the armor
Madcat: impresive

*90 minutes later*

Warehouse leader: we dont see our boys from the navy that often rarely a pilot what carrier where you on
Hatchet: the USS Florida
Warehouse leader: you got a list of what you need?
Hatchet: here *gives list*

*three hours later at the base*

Jackdaw: we got what we need now we need the location of the halcyon base
Hatchet: *talking to Sparrow* we got you a new helicopter Sparrow

The USS Florida is a submarine in real life there is no aircraft carrier called that, i called it the USS Florida because Hatchet is from Miami, Florida

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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