The Lockup

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Harvey: No backing out now?
You ready for this?
Hatchet: Let's just get it done
So where am I going to find this code
Harvey: I doubt it's scrawled out on a chalkboard somewhere
Somebody there will know though
Hatchet: So I'm supposed to just walk up and ask?
Harvey: Politely, yes. Or put a gun in their face
Whatever works

*After getting a disguise and finding the code to the lockup*

Hatchet:Guys I got the code
Harvey: Brilliant. Good job
Get to that lockup

*After finding the weapon locations*

Hatchet: Got intel about the weapons. Where they're stored

*After finding the evidence box to distract the evidence custodian*

Hatchet: Hey, lab's done with this
Checking it back in
Harvey: What is that?
Hatchet: Phone. Need to answer it

*After finding the first set of weapons*

Hatchet:Got them. Found the first shipment
Harvey: Keep looking, we know there are more

*After finding the second set of weapons*

Dmitry: That's another one down
Hatchet: Just one more...

*After finding the third set of weapons*

Hatchet:This is it, last one
Let's get out of here

Entry Point Story-Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now