The hunt starts

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Shadow:Hatchet we got a message from someone i think its the same person who killed your parentes
Hatchet:Let me see
Message:I am coming for you Hatchet you will be history soon one way or another
Hatchet:Its him he has been hunting me for years also sending hitmans after me but i took care of them he think he could get info on me from the FBI files but i removed all intel they had on us a long time ago
Shadow:Why did he kill your parentes?
Hatchet:I dont know he tried to kill me and Madcat too but we escaped
Shadow:How long ago was thath
Harchet:20-30 Years now
Shadow:I think we have another problem
Shadow:Halcyon is active again we had opretives in 15 difrent contries to end Halcyon some of the Halcyon opretives survived the attack and is rebuilding it
Hatchet:This just got way harder
Jackdaw:Hatchet Shadow we are under attack Halcyon is attacking
Hatchet:Lets do this
Shadow:They are too many we need to leave
Hatchet:We cant stay here much longer
Jackdaw:Come on we are leaving shoot from the back of the van
Hatchet:We need as much firepower as we can
Shadow:They are coming after us Jackdaw can you drive faster
Jackdaw:Im doing my best im not used to driving Hatchet is the only one who knows How to drive here
Hatchet:The new leader is the same person who killed my parentes

Entry Point Story-Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now