New base

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Hatchet:I dont think they are after us anymore
Jackdaw:They have a lot of intel now
Hatchet:No i have all of the intel on a USB stick just in case i never leave anywhere whitout it
Jackdaw:We need a new base
Hatchet:I know somewhere we can get a new base
Hatchet:A old werehouse no ones been there for years we just need to get all of the boxes out and get a power source
Jackdaw:Do you really mean it?
Hatchet:Ofcourse i dont i have a underground base
Jackdaw:You are allways preperd for anything
Shadow:How far is it?
Hatchet:Let me drive i know where it is


Hatchet:And here we are the new base
Shadow:What rooms do you have here?
Hatchet:Comunicatin shooting range planing room and many more
Jackdaw:Is there a way you can upload the data from the USB stick to the servers?
Hatchet:Way ahead i allready uploaded it to the servers
Jackdaw:And if we get attacked?
Hatchet:I disconnect the conection to the server
Jackdaw:You are really good whit PC things
Hatchet:I got a A+ in technology class when you know what you are doing its super easy like i can disable alarms to banks from here
Shadow:Now i know why you are the brain in all of the missions

Entry Point Story-Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now