Drifting away

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  Grian hugged X, "I'm not leaving forever you know Gri, " X joked, "Yeah I know, I just- I just got to know everyone and now you're leaving, " Grian said, sad to see his friend leaving.

  "I'll be back in two months, " he reassured Grian.

  Grian nodded, X waved goodbye to Iskall and Ren who had also came to say goodbye to X.

  X was going on a trip to the end along with some other admins of big servers.

  The meetings happened every ten years, it was Xisuma's first since Hermitcarft had become a larger server.

  X stepped backward, he smiled at his friends, and stepped into the portal, he had a long journey ahead of him.

  Grian woke up, he sat up.

  He stretched out his arms and fanned out his wings. He jumped out of his bed and threw his red sweater over his head.

  Grian was the only member of Hermitcraft who had natural wings other than X.

  He walked out of his base, rain pelted his shoulders and untamed hair.

  He didn't mind flying in the rain, although it was slightly hard to see, it was calming.

  Grian crouched down and pushed off, launching himself into the air with the help of his wings.

  He glided through the light rain and over the shopping district to the large white shop named Sahara.

  He glided down and landed outside the door and stepped inside.

  He shook the water from his wings, water flung everywhere leaving his fluffy wings dry again as they were fairly waterproof.

  Grian ran his fingers through his fluffy hair, "Well you've gotten water everywhere," a voice joked.

  Grian turned to see a tall man with coal-black hair and a mustache.

  "Oh, hello Mumbo!" Grian happily greeted his best friend.

  As normal red stone dust covered Mumbo's suit and pants, some even in his hair.

  Mumbo greeted him back, "So you're finally here for a meeting?" Grian joked.

  Mumbo rolled his eyes and smiled, "Waiting on Iskall are we?"

  "Yep!" Grian replied.

  Some time went by and the Swedish man eventually showed.

  The three spent a while discussing things before Iskall finally broke down laughing after smiling stupidly the entire time.

  "What?" Grian asked, "Sorry dude but I've got to ask what you're wearing, " he said through chuckles.

  Grian was wearing a flower crown and flowered necklace, "Oh I've become a hippie!" Grian announced.

  Iskall broke down laughing hysterically while Mumbo just kinda looked at Grian funny.

  Iskall was the type of person to laugh at something whether it was funny or not, he simply found everything funny.

  "Isn't Ren a hippie?" Mumbo asked, "Yep! The three of us!" Grian said.

  "Three?" Mumbo asked further, "Yep! Me, Ren, and Impulse, " Grian explained.

  "Interesting, " Mumbo commenting.

  "I can show you!" Grian offered, "Sure!" Iskall responded, "Sorry, I have to meet up with Scar, " Mumbo said.

"Okay! Iskall you still wanna come?"

  "Yeah, sounds interesting," he said.

  Dead silence, nothing but the low hum of the machinery.

  Scar sat in area 77, he had been working on the large place, sweat dripped down his face.

  He laid flat on his back and spread his arms out.

  He closed his eyes for a moment before standing up and gathering his shulker boxes up.

  He walked towards the large mechanical door, he entered a code, and with a lot of noise, the door slowly opened.

  He stepped out, the crisp wind blew ruffling his dark brown hair.

  He looked into the distance at the cluster of vans that Ren, Grian, and Impulse had made.

  He sighed and smiled, even though he was pretty new to hermitcraft Grian was already one, if not the biggest trouble maker on the server.

  Scar decided to walk instead of flying, mainly because his elytra was almost broken and he couldn't be bothered to fix it.

  After a bit of a walk, he made it to the village near area 77 where many hermits were staying.

  He walked into his house which was one of the biggest there.

  His cat quickly ran over to him, he picked her up, "Hello Jellie!" he happily greeted his cat.

  Scar up her down and began putting away the items in his shulker boxes.

  Once he had put everything away he sighed and walked over to his bed, he changed into a white T-shirt and flopped down onto his bed.

  He laid on his back and Jellie soon came and laid on his chest.

  Scar closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep.

  The end was cold, X had almost forgotten the coldness of the void-like place.

   The void, he hated the thought of that place.

  His boots met the dusty pale stone, dust flew up into the air as air from his flapping wings met the large amounts of dust.

  He looked around, this place was a lot more advanced than the old abandoned end cities that the shulkers inhabited and players raided for elytras.

  Tall buildings, people walked around, this was a place many watchers and people native to the end lived.

  X had grown up here with his brother, although, he hoped he would never have to return.

  The place carried horrible memories, he tried to shake off the thoughts of his childhood.

  Although they lingered in his mind as he stepped into the city.

  He bit his lip as he came across the house he would be staying in.

  X would rather have stayed in the streets than return to this house that carried so many horrible memories.

Word count-1046

Hey guys! Finally finished the first chapter, I'm trying not to rush into things like I did the first time around.

  I'm sorry this took so long, since Naïve Daydreams is not my main book I got distracted with my other and kinda forgot I needed to write this, sorry guys!

  As you can tell unlike What Lies Beneath the Surface elytras do exist in this, the only reason I removed them from WLBTS was that I had forgotten to write them in and it would have messed with the plot for me to add them, but with a bit of fixing of the plot I was able to add them into ND.

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