Gone but Not Forgotten

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  Xisuma looked down the hall.

  He walked into the kitchen, he hated this room.

  He looked down at the floor, flinching at the spots of blood that still stained the floor.

  He shook his head and walked into the largest bedroom, the house had been empty for years. Due to the events that had happened there.

  Down the hall of the largest bedroom was another room.

  It was smaller and had a bunk bed in the corner and two desks against the wall.

  X walked over to the room and pulled the door shut.

  He intended the stay away from that room.

  Glancing around the house one more time, he sighed and walked back over to the door pulling it back open.

  He couldn't expect to stay in this house without facing his issues.

  He walked in, closing and locking the door behind him.

  He sat on his old bed, pulled his knees to his chest.

  He closed his eyes and wrapped his dark grey wings around himself.

  X was instantly reminded of his childhood, he felt like he could almost hear his parents fighting in the kitchen.

  His younger brother crying on the top bunk, he always felt horrible for his brother who was only a year younger than him.

  His father always favored X over him, leaving his brother with the desire to prove himself.

  His brother always had the worse life.

"Say my name X, " his brother spoke.

"Say my goddamn name!" he yelled.

X looked around, forest surrounded them.

"You refuse to even say it, you betray me, and you won't even say my name."

X's breathing pace increased.

"Say it!"

X jolted awake.

  His heavy breathing caused him to feel slightly lightheaded.

  "It was just a nightmare, it was just a nightmare, " he repeated to himself over and over again.

  Trying to convince himself it was.
*One year ago*

  Sage opened the door to a bar she had been working at for a few months.

Although she never could seem to keep a job.

She was enjoying this one, it didn't pay as well as her other jobs did but it paid enough and the people there were nice.

She figured it was the best opportunity to get back on her feet.

She walked inside, it wasn't very busy which was good news for her as she wasn't the biggest fan of large groups of people she didn't know.

"Hey, Sage! I thought you weren't working today, " a young brunette woman with fair skin and her long hair pulled into a high ponytail called from behind the bar counter.

"I'm not Max, I stopped by for a drink, " Sage clarified walking over the counter and taking a seat.

The noise of the door opened.

Sage didn't think to turn around until the entire place lowered into murmurs and whispers and a shocked look spread across Max's face.

Sage turned around.

Her eyes met a young watcher.

She walked in, she was stunningly beautiful, fair skin with freckles dappled around. Royal purple eyes that were easy to get lost in. Long white hair, which was pretty common for watchers, draped down over her shoulders. Her dark black wings were folded against her back.

She was a complete contrast to Sage who was dark-skinned with fluffy black hair that only reached down to her shoulders, not to mention Sage was completely human while the woman was a watcher.

Sage noted that she looked familiar but she couldn't place her finger on where she had seen her. Although judging by the looks she was receiving she must have been famous or popular in some way.

The woman looked annoyed by the eyes drawn to her.

Max leaned in to whisper to Sage.

"What she doing here? We're a small bar, what the hell brings a council member here, " Max hissed under her breath.

A council member? That explained why she looked familiar.

Sage was never really into politics.

The woman made her way over to the bar, she sat beside Sage which was surprising due to the fact many of the other seats were empty.

"It's a nice night, well as nice as it gets in the end, " the woman had a heavy British accent and a soothing voice.

"Yeah, it is, " Sage replied slightly awkwardly.

  "I'm Angelica Summers, " she smiled softly.

  "Sage Young, " Sage replied.

  "So Miss Summers-"

  "Please, call me Angel, " Angelica cut her off.

  Sage smiled, the name made her the perfect person for the pickup line, did it hurt when you fell out of heaven? But Sage restrained herself.

  "Okay, Angel, how about you let me buy you a drink, " Sage said smiling.

  Angel pondered for a moment, "How about I let you buy me a bunch of drinks, here, six pm tomorrow." Angel smiled as if appreciating her own question.

  "I'll be here, " Sage was running on autopilot, seemingly not yet realizing she had just got a date.

  "Good, I hope to see you, Sage, " Angel stood up waving goodbye and walking out of the bar shutting the door behind her.

  Sage turned back to look at Max who looked at a complete loss for words.

  "You just- I- what the hell!"

  Sage chuckled.

  "Sage you just got a date with Angelica Summers! Angelica fucking Summers!"

  "Calm down, and stop swearing so much, " Sage smiled.

  "How did you just do that?"

  "I don't know, I'm just that charming, " Sage boasted.

  Max joking punched Sage in the shoulder.

  Sage turned again looking at the door and smiling softly, "I'll be there, " she whispered under her breath at seemingly no one.

Word Count-996

Hey! I'm not dead!

But sadly this doesn't mean I'm taking this off of hold.

If you know my other book you know I try my very best to maintain at least every other day updates, and that means sadly that updates for this are few and far between

I hope you all can forgive me

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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