I know better.

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You were my best friend

You were my sister

You were the thing that hold me together .

Now I'm here broken

Because you couldn't keep the promise

The promise of sisterhood.

I should be celebrating

Instead I'm crying for you

Someone who does not deserve my tears.

I only had you

You were there for me when I needed you

And when you needed me I was there.

What happen to you

That drift you apart of me

What kind of boat you took.

That drift you away for me

That I don't know what I do know

It's the time I need away from me.

For awhile, maybe for ever

You cheated on me in a way

You broke my trust.

And every memory we had

Every adventure we share

Now is all gone to the trashcan.

I tried not to blame you

But it is your fault

I tried to forgive you.

I can't seem to forget the betrayal

The broken heart

The broken trust.

We were sisters

Now we are not

I loved you but now I know better.

- Vanessa G.R 

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