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Pain it's something we do need 
Sometimes to move on 
And realize what we have.

The pain open our eyes 
And that's when we see 
The things that hurt us the most.

Once we feel the pain 
We taste it 
And it's bitter.

The Kind of taste you don't want to have 
The kind of taste that travels around your body 
Similar to love but it's not.

People say it's not easy to let go 
Of the memories you had 
The love you share.

But when it's broken it easier 
Just to let go than hold onto something 
Something that no longer exists. 

The pain comes and opens you 
To new frontiers 
Then you move on.

Move on to something better 
Something good 
And something real.

When the pain come 
You dream goes away 
To somewhere that no longer exists.

- Vanessa G.R.

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