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Behind a photograph there million

Million of emotions hiding from you.

Behind that photograph theres problem in your life

How could no one notice?.

How could people not see the pain i am

How could not notice i am here suffering.

I wish a photograph coils express all i been living

Behind the photo is my pain.

Behind that smile is a broken heart

And broken girl who owns the heart.

I wish i could express whta i feel in that photo

But i still smile on the photograph.

I wish i could cry

But in the photo im glad.

Today i took my phone and in every phot i smile

And i remember the dates.

The dates where i was hurt

The dates where i cry and cry.

And in those photos a smile within it

A happy face , how could anyone notice.

Behind a photograph there emotions

There are memories , theres pain.

Theres emotions you didn't even know you had

But there are in hiding

Wishing to be notice by a photograph .

- Vanessa G.R.

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