chapter 23

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Inspirational songs for this chapter :)

Love me like you do - Ellie goulding

Katrina's pov

The sound of the phone was ringing in my ears and it was making me a bigger headache then I already have

I opened my eyes to the burning gaze of the sun in midst of November, I was adjusting my eyes to the light when I looked around panic and fear surrounded my body as I tried to recognise the room I was in but nothing came to mind, on how and when did I was put in this particular space when I was laying down on the brown woodfloor in my room 2 hours ago

Wait was it 2 hours ago or even more, I just can't even put my mind to function right now as I let my eyes scan around the foreign room that I was being layed down in

The walls of the room were crystal white, I looked around and I noticed I was in a hospital room and a figure was sleeping on the chair near my bed

I adjust my eyes, squinting helped as the sun was shining through out his features and I knew it was Justin

His golden hair was ruffled everywhere, his suit was wrenched and he looked utterly uncomfortable on the chair as his head was laying on his shoulder awkwardly

"Justin" I tried to call out to him to at least answer the damn phone or just turn it off as it was getting me in a bad mood right now from the urging headache that kept coming into my brain like the ocean waves when they come crushing down into the plain golden sand, but it came as a whispere from my dry throat

I coughed to make my dry throat out of its nausea state when I called him once more but that came not as well as the first time I tried to call him

"Your awake, I see" my heart pace quickened when I heasrd the nurses voice came through into my ears as I was wondering when the nurse came into the room when I didn't even hear footsteps coming in

"Y-yes" I stuttered as I coughed

"Here there is water for you" she gave a cup of water and I dranked it in a second as I was thirsty

"Thank you" I told him, giving her a slight smile and she returned one back

She started looking at the monitor to check is everything is running fine as she wrote on the clipboard that was in her hand and justin was still sleeping unnoticably on the chair near by

And by that time the phone stopped ringing and I mentally thank god for that

"Your boyfriend was here all night" she said out of nowhere

"My boyfriend?" I asked confused

"You got a good and handsome catch" she looked and pointed at a sleeping Justin... dreamly

"U-m thank you?!" I told her slightly confused as I felt the urge to rip her eyeballs out of her eyes on how the brunette women was looking at Justin but I shook those ideas and feelings to the back of my mind

Justin started stirring in his seat when he fluttered his eyes open seeing both the nurse and I were looking him like stalkers before I looked away but I knew he caught my gaze because of his smirk

"Okay..." the nurse started as I looked up at her as she scanned the clipboard

"Do you have a headache, Miss Martinis?" She asked

I nodded and pointed at where the headache was increasing then it was decreasing

She wrote it on the clipboard

"Any other pain?" I shook my head 'no'

"I'm going to inject you with this needle to take away the pain" she told me as I saw her pulling out the needle

And did I mention that I have a phobia of needles, well I do and this is no good because I started to panic

"Please give me your hand, Miss Martinis"

I hesitated as I felt I warm hand enveloped mine, I looked at my hand that was intertwined with the man himself as he stared at me and flashed me his perfect smile

I felt the nurse's cold hand take mine, and fear took over my eyes

"Everything will be alright katrina,  im here" I heard his morning husky voice

I felt a tingle from the needle that was running through my veins, I shut my eyes tightly and I felt justin hand take my face and placed a lingering kiss upon my forehead and all the pain that I felt was long gone

"So I heard your my boyfriend?" I asked justin amused after the nurse had a left and before she did she complemented us about 'what a cute couple we are' and that made my cheeks turn the shade of red and that made justin chuckle in his seat and mutter a thank you

"Um, about that" he run his fingers upon his golden hair as he got up from the chair to stretch out his long legs and he leaned on the window frame, folding his hands over his chest and crossing his feet over each other


"Aren't you going to sleep yet?" He asked

"Are you trying to run away fron the question?"


"Okay, what ever you say"

"for your information, if I didn't say I was your boyfriend (justin put the boyfriend into air quotes) they wouldn't have let me see you because it was only family members, and by speaking about family members, where is April? Does she know your in here?"

My face fell and I tried to look away from his intense gaze but that didn't work when he came and sat on my bed and he firmly took my chin between his fingers and made look at him

"She left, she changed, I don't know what gotten into her" I told him truthfully

"Where did she go? He asked softly

"To her 22 year old boyfriend" I told her anger layced in my voice

I did not know why I told him about what is happening behind closed doors, I feel like I can trust him, my heart feel at ease when im around him

His like my...


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