chapter 1

707 22 10


Nothing Like Us - Justin Bieber

The Climb - Miley Cyrus

Katrina's pov

"Did you find any work?" my little sister April asked as she placed the plates on the table

I shook my head frustrated with myself that I still can't find a decent job to support my little sister and my ill father as he is in bed recovering as my mother's passing came to us as a big shock, we weren't expecting at the time and since then my dad Jeffery had been ill

"Don't go to hard on yourself kat, everything will work out fine" April's voice came to my ears as I gave her a smile and kissed the top of her head muttering in her ear "I know sweety, I don't want you to worry about a thing" as she looked at me with her big blue eyes and said nothing

She walked to the kitchen to get the cups as I placed my hand bag in my room

"How is dad?" I asked as she looked at me in worry

"He is still the same," she told me but i knew something was bothering

"April what's wrong?" I asked,

"we hadn't had a proper family meal seen mum died 2 years ago" she told me as she fixed the table

"April, I know it's hard but dad will pull through it, we just have to be supportive and always be there for him" I told her as I helped place the food that our neighbour had brought us to eat as I usually do the cooking but today I had to go and find a job but I didn't succeed just yet, but im not giving up

"You've been saying those exact words since 2 years ago and he still hasn't came out of his room and rarelly says a word to the both of us" April told me as she sat on the chair that she pulled out from undernearth the table as I walked to her and sat beside her

"I know" that's all I said as she hugged me tight

"Please Katrina, don't ever leave me" she said and i hugged her tightly and whispered in her hair " I would never ever do that, I promise" as she let go of me so I can give dinner to my dad and to give him his medicine before he fell asleep

I grabbed the wooden tray that contains the food on it and walked to his bedroom door before a knocked three times and when i didn't hear anything, I walked in giving him a smile even tho his eyes weren't focused on me but the picture of my mother between his fingers as tears streamed down his face

"Dad, please don't cry" I told him as I placed the tray of food on the nightstand and sat beside hime on the bed, grabbing a tissue, wiping his tears as his red puffy eyes didn't move their gaze from their wedding picture

"It's our 26th anniversary" dad spoke, he looked at me for a split second before returning to gaze back at the picture

"Happy anniversary" I told him but he said nothing as I always told my mum and dad 'happy anniversary' even tho she is not with js anymore and i am not stoping now

"I got you food" I told him but he stayed silent

"It's your favourite dad, it's chicken soup" i told him trying to be enthusiastic so I can get him to eat something before he takes his medicine

"I'm not hungry" he told me not glancing towards me

"Dad, please eat" I told him but he just once again stayed silent as I sighed, got up and left his bedroom

"How is he?" April stood up from the table, looking at me

"His fine" trying to reassure her

"He isn't eating, is he?" She asked knowing I can't lie to her

"No he isn't" I told her as I sat with my little sister in the table and started eating

"What are you going to do now, if you can't find any work" April's worried voice came into my ears as I stopped eating, looking at her

"I won't stop looking until I find something" I told her

"Im going to stop going to school so i can help you get both of us working so we can get our life on track" April told me

"No you are not stopping until you finish school, understand, work is my responsibility, don't worry about it, just focus on your school work, and speaking of school, you need to go to sleep" I told her assuring her to her bedroom as she tried helping me clean the table but I dragged her to the room and closed the door

"Goodnight katrina, love you" I heard her say as I replied back "goodnight April, love you always"

I started cleaning up the table, washed the dishes, mopped the floor and got all the groceries down on paper that I need before tip toeing into dad's room, kissing him on the forehead before grabbing the tray of food that he has touched and went back into the kitchen but at least he has drank his medicine

I went had a warm shower as I let tears stream down my face just thinking about my mum and how strong she was and suddenly God has to take her away from us all with no warning at all was not fair but people always have told me 'God has a plan for everyone' and until now I still believe that saying

I brushed my hair and set the brush down and walked out of the bathroom to do my laundry as I have no time tomorrow to do it

I finally had time to sit and relax and put my feet up and let them rest as I grabbed the newspaper that was laying on the coffee table

I scanned through the paper for a couple of seconds when my eyes landed on advertisement for babysitting, I quickly sat properly and read what it said at loud so the words can sink into my mind

"Please if you are interested in Babysitting a 8 year old boy, then come to this address, as interviews will be held with Mr Bieber, the interview will be held between 11 am to 12 pm on the 29 November.... Thank You"

I read again and again and again and I quickly got my phone out as I looked at the date "the interview is tomorrow" I told myself excitedly as I slept on the couch smiling holding the paper close to my chest as my life depends on that particular job, well if you think about it

It does...

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