Let Them Stare

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"Alex get up, we need to go for groceries" y/n groaned as she waltzed down the steps toward her boyfriend Alex who was sitting there trying to figure out how to work Twitter. "Umm... yeah... alright" He slurred out more focused on his phone than her. "Whatcha' doin'" the bounce in her accent causing him to glance up at her sparkling y/e/c eyes. "I'm just trying to-" "YOU'RE MAKING A TWITTER!" She screeched in excitement "No I'm not" he spat out as fast as he could and threw his phone down on the couch, she reached down to pick it up but before she could he grabbed her hand "Never mind that, you said we have to go to the market, so let's go to market, go go go" he pushed her out of the house both hands and her hips.

As they both climbed into the car she called "I'm playing the music" as she put an 'L' on her forehead in quite a childish manner. "I swear y/n if you play any bad music-" "Woah Woah Woah who do you think I am" she giggled as she plugged the long navy chord into her phone as Blur began to play.

Do you feel like a chain store
Practically floored
One of many zeros kicked around, bored
Your ears are full but you're empty holding out your heart
To people who never really care how you are

"SO GIVE ME COFFEE AND TVVVV" Alex yelled an octave lower than the song. "Seen so much I'm going blind and I'm brain dead virtually" they sang down the road as they pulled into the Sainsbury's down the road "I told you, Alex, I'm a natural Carl Cox" y/n giggled confidently as she stepped out of the car. "Yeah okay, don't get to cocky there y/n" Alex playfully teased, and rolled his eyes at her. "Now, no more jokes only, business" Alex furrowed his brow down at her, but even he couldn't take himself seriously. "Do you have the list" she practically whispered "no, I thought you-" "shit." she said sharply in a tone that would have worried anyone but of course not the man who stood in front of her. "Whatever, we know what we need, right?" Alex tried to reassure her. "I mean, I guess, we are for sure out of milk... or eggs... goddammit" her shoulders sunk in frustration. "It's alright we'll just get both and then we'll just have 2 cartons of eggs or 2 jugs of milk" he stated like the problem solver he was.

As they walked through the isles of the store that was 40 minutes away from closing, they picked up necessities and some things they didn't need, like al's favourite biscuits.
Start the video from the top <3
Suddenly the song came on, the song that no one likes but everyone knows, the song that couldn't stop them from dancing. Alex's face darted down at y/n and hers up at him as the faint "ooos" rolled in.

He held out his hand to her, taking it they stepped away from the cart in the yellow flickering lights. They began to dance down the aisle looking like complete fools, workers with no facial expressions who just wanted to go home looked ever so annoyed. One in particular, made eye contact with y/n, his eyes like daggers saying the meanest things with just the gaze of his sharp green eyes.

Her shoulders sunken down she walked back to the slumped trolley with its missing wheel, but Alex followed behind her and grabbed her hand. As she whipped around, the annoyed look on her face became a faint smirk seeing him standing there with his puppy dog eyes "what's wrong, why'd you stop?" he frowned at her. "People are staring Al, and not in a good way." She replied, her eyes like sandpaper compared to his. "Y/N... let them stare, we could go on fucking Strictly with our moves," he said softly pulling her further away from the trolley. As they began to dance again she looked down at his feet which were moving very little compared to his hips, "You can go on Strictly all you want... I think I'll stick with Countdown"


Sorry if this was shity. This is my first time writing an imagine so yeah this was probably really bad but let me know if you have any requests for topics or which monkey I should do next
Thank you all for reading my stuff 💖

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