Look At Me! (Matt)

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TW: blood and verbal fighting 


The car ride was silent, you and Matt had been invited for drinks with Nick and Kelly earlier that day, before Matt had fucked up... before everything crumbled.

"Look y/n it's not my fault-" he began before you interrupted him, not needing to hear what he had to say, he had said enough today, it was your turn to talk.

"Yes, no, of course, it's not Matthew, it never is, it's not your fault that you came home drunk... again, it's not your fault you stood me up on our anniversary. Those were all definitely times where it was impossible to say "sorry I have to go back home to the person who loves me, and cares for me, the person that-" you began to talk but as always he cut you off.

"Please don't act like you're such an angel y/n, you're always moaning and groaning about everything I do-" "Please Matt, just shut up, I don't want to fight with you right now"

You pulled into the pub holding back the tears as you greeted Kelly while Matt immediately got a shot of whiskey, then two, and then three. As you were spilling out to Kelly about him, he came over... drunk already.

"What have I done now, are you telling Kelly how much of a prick I am, well I'm here now, aren't I? I'm here making a fool out of myself for you. I don't know what you want from me"

"I want you to stop fucking drinking! And I want you to look at me like Nick looks at Kelly like Jamie looks at Katie, HELL LIKE AL LOOKS AT MARGARITAS" you sobbed at him, gaining everyone's attention.

"Y/n I'm... I didn't mean to yell-" he started to say, taken aback by the way you had responded to his anger, you never yelled.

"Well you did Matt, so- so...FUCK RIGHT OFF" Matt sunk and walked away feeling like a complete ass-hole.

You heard a bang followed by swearing from the bathroom as Matt walked out holding his wrist, his knuckle bruised and bloody. You ran over to him, your instinct kicking in. "You bloody idiot, what did you do?" you widened your eyes at him. "I- I punched the door and then... the mirror didn't break as I wanted it to, so I punched the mirror and.." Matt trailed off still not completely realising how much pain he was in.

"I'm sorry Matt, I shouldn't have yelled at you" you began to cry again "what?! Please don't ever apologise to me for something I did, I love you y/n and I'm gonna be there more from here on in"

"I love you too, Matthew J. Helders" "Hospital?" He questioned looking down at you. "Most definitely" you both marched out of the pub-like toy soldiers goofing around to take his mind from the pain.

Thanks for reading, this one was inspired by the Shapel Lacey podcast Matt did (ugh his hair in that is perfect) <3

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