Vlog 1 Q&A

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Narrator's POV:

Today was the day. The day you and Woods start filming.

Your POV

I walked into blue base with the biggest smile on my face. Today we finally got to start vlogging in the studios. A couple days ago we sent out a Q&A on Instagram just for the simple vlog. I got over 50K responses from it. Woods said he got about 75K. I look over at Woods siting at his desk with his headphones on. "Hey Woodsy" I say standing at the door way. He takes his headphone off and spins around in his chair, "Hey N/N ready to start filming". "Yeah where do you want to do it at" I ask with a vlogging camrea in hand. "The Q and A" he says as I nod. "Your office for sure" He says. "Ok when" I ask. "Give me about 15 minutes to finish the trailer for the next Matthias video" He says looking at his watch.


"Hey baby ready to film" Woods says showing up at the doorway of my office. "Oh yeah" I say shutting my laptop. We set up the tripod in front of the couch and table in my office. I hit record as we sit down. "Hello w- wel- welcome to the vlog" Me and Woods try to say together. "Today we're doing a Q and A- A couple of days ago we sent out a Q and A on both our Instagram's asking you to our dyeing questions. " Woods says as I finish. "Do you want to start because you have less questions" He says softly. "Sure " I say as I scroll through my phone. My eyes widen. "What" He asks looking at me in confusion. "So the first 100 or so question are asking if I'M single" I says smiling at Woods. He looks down at me and then at the camrea. Woods kisses me on the lips so softly it turns me a light tint of pink. I look up at him and smile. We both stare into the camera. "How 'a bout this we kiss anytime someone asks us that " I says showing him my phone. "Ok what's the next question" he asks. "How tall are you" I read out loud. He looks at me with an interesting look. "Honey how tall am I" I ask Woods quietly. He shrugs. "Do we got a measuring tape" He asks. "There's one outside The warehouse from when they were renovating" I say Looking up at him cutely. "I'll go get it" He say jumping off the couch leavening the room. He's back in less then a second. He move the tripod facing the doorway. "Stand up tall N/N" Woods says standing me up against the wall. I try to stand tall. He puts one end of the measuring tape down at my shoes and the other at my head. "Y/H" He reads off the measuring tape slowly. He takes a pencil and marks where I stood.

We sit back down on the couch. "Do you wanna do some of the questions you got" I ask Woods. "Sure" he says grabbing his phone from his pocket. "How old are you and Y/N" He reads. "I'm 24" Woods says. "And I'm 23" I say. "Are you and Y/n dating" He reads again. He looks down at me and peeks his lips up to my cheek. "What do you think" He says looking into the camera. "What do you think ... wild_cat4140" He says reading it off his phone. I look down at my phone and giggle at one of the questions. "What" Woods asks smiling at me. I show him the question and he start laughing. "Read ... it " He says giggly. "Is... " I struggle to get the words out of my mouth with laughter. "Is Woods your boss/father" I say then burst out laughing. "No and N... No. I know I'm short but I didn't think I was that short I mean wow you actually thought that" I say stutteringly and still giggling. Woods looks at his phone and reads, "honey you single heart emoji kissy face emoji" Woods says. "No he's not" I say moving closer to him almost hugging him. "He's mine. He my Boo" I say with my arms around him hugging him like a child. He giggles then blushes. "Oh here's a good one , Relationship advice" I say looking at Woods and the tripod. "Wrong people to ask" Woods says to the tripod. I nod along with him. "We are in a relationship-- but still definitely not qualified to give you advice" I say as Woods finish's. "How tall are you" Woods says reading it off his phone. I grab the measuring tape and point towards the wall. "Around 5'8" he says walking over to the wall. I move to tripod again facing the wall. "Stand up tall Woodsy" I say putting the measuring tape near his converse. I pull the tape up as high as I can reach. "I feel like I'm a child being measuring at a doorway" Woods says jokingly as I stand on my tippy toes to read the tape. "5'8 and ½ you were right" I say struggling to reach him.


"Last question, Lilyfangirl4 says been watching for a few years now. Can you and Woods do a melt it down duet also when will vlogger Woods post on his channel again" I read. "Is that really what it says." Woods asks looking at my phone. "Oh wow well... should we... te... tell them?" he stutters whiles asking. "I mean it is your vlogging channel and It's your song so I mean you can if you want" I say to him looking into his eyes supportively and lovingly. "Go refresh SoundCloud and you'll get 1 answer. And I might post on my channel again and I might not post on my channel ever again who knows" Woods says looking into the eyes of the camrea. I smile beside him. "Is that all the questions " I say looking at him. "Uh... yeah" he says scrolling through his phone a little more. "Oh neverminded favorite color" Woods says to me. "Can you guess my favorite color" I ask him. His eyes widen and he go's thro so many thoughts. His eyes wonder around the room in thought. "Greeeennnn?" He says unsure. I nod, "yeah it's green lemme guess yours's is black" I say knowing him so well. "I mean some people say black's not a color" Woods says. "I count it as a color" I say. "So do I" he says. We both scroll thro our phones one final time. "I have no more questions left" I say putting my phone down. "Same" He says. "So that's going to end the vlog for today-- we are in a relationship and " we finish each others sentences again. "WE ARE NOT QUILIFIED TO GIVE RALATIONSHIP ADICE . " We both say together. "Go ask Sam and Ryan" Woods says. "Yeah ask them they'll know" I say. He looks at me and giggles a little bit. "I love you N/N" he says putting his arm around me. "I love you too Woodsy" I say as he gently kisses me on the lips. I smile and blush. "Ok fangirls you can leave now- it's the end of the vlog go subscribe and like" Woods begins to say as I finish as he puts his hand in front of the tripod camrea . 

Ok fangirls you can leave now. FANFICTION"S OVER Follow me

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