Vlog 3 part 2 Vloggingtines surprise afterwards

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Part 2 from vlogingtines day


My head is layed up agaisnt the arm of the sofa and my hand is laying on Woods' head. "G..good night My baby" I mumble as i drift off to sleep.

NOW- Morning february 15th

I slightly open my eyes a little. I'm now laying all the way down on the couch with a blakent over me. I begin to sit up a little. "Good Morning baby" Woods says vlogging me from the kitchen. I look over at him and smile. "Good morning Woodsy" I say rubbing my eyes sleepyly. "I made you coffee" he says walking over to me. He hands me the coffee still vlogging. "Oh thnaks" I say accepting the coffee. I sit up all the way on the couch and gin siping on the coffee. He sits down beside me. "So Today I thought we could.... Move some more stuff into our house" He says reaching for my hand. "Maybe we should paint the house first" I say. "Right do we have any paint" He asks looking aound the room. "Upstairs we have green, blue, grey and a light yellow" I say still waking up. "Ok" he says happily.

After I wake up a little bit more he begins to walk up the stairs to the paint. I follow him up the stairs vlogging him. He opens the door to find about 5 gallons of paint. "I was thinking that the green would look good in the bedroom or kitchen and the yellow would be good for the living room" I say helping. He smiles amd says, 'that is an amazeoing idea But first If we're going to paint". "We're going to paint in style" he says finishing up pulling out too pairs of overalls. "Agreed" i say vlogging him. *outfit Change* I smile at his cute smile. I lowkey blush. "What are you blushing at I didn't say anything" he says giggleing at me. I smile and shrug. I giggle, "let's start painting" I say. *this part of the vlog is a montage with some more Lo-fi music by micheal badal. * We begin painting the bedroom a light green after we put the camrea on a table.

After a while of painting we take a couple photos ya know for the instagram then we sit down on the bed and look at our work. I pick up the vlogging camera and show the camrea the painted walls. "We are so messy" i say then facing the camera towards Woods and I. Green paint all over our overalls. He smiles at me. "We ended up not even using all the paint" I say pointing the vlog camrea at the paint bucket. "Next we're painting both of our offices a dark blue" he says. "Yep by the end of this we're going to look like a rainbow" i say vlogging. *we stop vloging this part to make it a surprise* After painting our offices Blue we move on to the kitchen and living room which for the kitchen it would be the leftover green form our bedroom and for the living room it would be a light yellow. After vlogging the whole thing with gopros we don;t use about any of the footage but this 1 bit when we were paintign the living room. We sit up the camrea ob the cffe table to vlog the wall we were painting. Right beside the door. We're about half way done with the wall and we stop and look back at our masterpiece. "Looks good" I say wipeing my hands on my overalls. "Yeah" He says looking at the same peice of art as me. "You look better tho" He says to me putting a dot of yellow paint onto my nose. I giggle. *we ended up taking a picture of me standing up against thye wall witht he yellow dot on my nose... I blended in too well =]*

After painting all of this we begin vlogging our work so far. I look down at my watch, "3 o clock" I say vloggin the whole room. He laughs at me. "We look like easter eggs" He says laughing at the 2 of us. Paint is covering at least 40% of our overalls. He laughs at us a little more as we show off our rooms. "Last but not least The workroom for all the projects we do" I say showing them this completely empty room. "I was thinking what if we kept the room with white walls so when we do wok on projects it'll show liek the spray paint on the walls" He says walking up behind me. "Oh that's a good idea" I say looking around the room thinking about all the potential it has onec project are done. "Wanna go get lunch the head to my place to collect all my stuff to move into thos house" He asks. "Sounds good" I say smiling. "We won't vlog it so we'll have a big reveal at the end with some like showstopping music or somthing" He says turning the vlog camera off. .

Aftr we go get lunch he gets all of his stuff and we come back to the house. He places all the stuff around the house wherever he desires. The sparkle in his eyes shineing brighter than ever and the smile on his face as precios and lovely as always. "We're done" I say vlogging all the work we've done all dya. The masterpiece of a house we put together. "We got some plants to make the place look glorious and we also got a bunch of signs and lights and painting to cl=ber the walls." I say vlogging it all. "I found this old record from the back of the closet and desideed to put it up on the wall above our bed" woods says showing the cmarea his work. We vlog the entire house. From the living room to ofice to office, workfroom to bedroom all the way to the closets and kitchen. "You did an amazing job" He congratualates me. "You did an fabulous job too Woodsy" I say Vlogging our faces. "I love you Woods" I say looking up at his precios face vloggin it. "I love you too Y/N " he says back then kissing me on the lips softly.


I lie down in bed and get comfortable as he lays beside me vlogging the last few minutes of the vlog. "Make sure to like and subscribe to the channel if you wnat to se more content like this. We say ending the vlog. He puts his arm around me and kisses me on the cheek. "Good night N/N" he says lying down. "Good night My Woodsy" I say happily lieing down. He puts hi arm around me as we drift off the sleep into a wonderful dream land.  

Woodland Demars x the reader  "It'll be cute for the VLOGS"Where stories live. Discover now