Vlog 4 Boyfriend VS girlfriend (archery)

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The very 1st series on this channel. Girlfriend VS Boyfriend. We decided the very 1st match should be archery since we both are fairly good marksmen. Wonder who will win.

My eyes slowly open up and within a couple seconds Woods starts waking up beside me. "Good Morning N/N" He says in a ruff voice but still soft. "Good morning Woodsy" I say as our hands connect beside each other. We sit up from our lovely slumber and rub our eyes. "Are we Vlogging today" I ask. "Sure what do you want to do today" Woods says still a little tired. "I thought of this amazing series that's like me VS you in a bunch of random things kind of like Sam and Ryan's VS" I say coming up with it off the top of my head. "That's sounds like a good idea how 'a bout the first challenge... Archery" Woods says smiling. "Sounds cool" I say walking downstairs to the kitchen. Woods follows me. "Coffee?" I ask pouring out a cup of coffee. "Yeah" He says. His voice still a little ruff from just waking up. I pours 2 cups of coffee and sit down at the table. He takes a sip of the coffee and sighs from delioushness afterwards.


"We need targets" He say holding his bow. "Right I'll grab the camrea we'll do it old Rekt style" I say putting my bow down to grab a camrea.

Once we vlog half the ride there just in case we said anything funny we go in and vlog getting some targets.

We enter the Walmart vlogging for targets. We walk to the back as we both notice the song that's playing. "Happy Love" We say together vibeing and vlogging. He faces the camrea to me as we dance along terribly.  We both have a camrea vlogging each other vibeing to the music. 

We get back after a few funny bits and some joking around to intro our vlog. We set up a tripod. "Welcome back to our channel- Today we're doing a new challenge" We finish each others sentences as we pick up the bows. "Archery" We say together lowkey laughing. "This is the first of a series VS" I say to the camrea. "It's Me Vs Her in 3 rounds" He explains to the camrea. "1st round- is whoever is closer to the center-- second round is a small race to the inside of the house to get all the arrows and to run back out here and shoot all the tiny targets how ever many you hit is your score- The 3erd round is-- ⅔ there are 3 targets in front of us and we must shoot 3 arrows to each target and however has more points wins" We finish each others sentences. "Yeah the winner will win this Starbucks gift card that has about 50$ on it" I finish up before we begin.

He sets up around 20-50 feet's away from the targets. He Pulls back the bow with the arrow and aims at the center. He shoots. A quiet thud as the arrow hits the target almost centimeters away from the center. My eyes widen in surprise. I'm am going to lose. He is so friggin Hot. He hi5s me as I get to the point where he was standing. I pull back the bow and arrow and shoot. It's about 2 inches from his. "I think I won the 1st round" He says happily. I smile and jerk the arrows out of the target gently. "Second round- THE RACE" in black bold words are edited in as we sit up the arrows inside the house. We run back tot eh tripod and explain round 2. "Round 2 is a race inside to grab all 10 arrows-- and to come back outside and shoot all these little tiny targets we hung up on this tree" I begin as he finishes. "Are we hearing what we're saying" He asks. "What are we doing with our lives" I ask jokingly. He giggles. "Since you won do you want to go first" I ask standing in front of the tripod looking back at him. "Yeah I'll go first" He says grabbing his bow. "Wait how are we going to film this" I ask standing in front him as he vlogs it. "How many tripods do we got." he asks vlogging me. "We only have 2 tripods here the other one is in the attic" I say as he smiles. I look at him confused. He smiles even more. "You look so cute" he says happily. "I got it Vlog me" He says handing me the camera. He walks in thro the kitchen into the living room and then to the workroom. He grabs a helmet off the shelf and a roll of duct tape and lays it on the table. He also grabs a local gopro that's always in the workroom and tapes it to the helmet. He then puts it on my head and take the camera. "Gopro helmet film while... uh doing dumb stuff like us" he says laughing at me and the helmets. He faces the camrea towards himself as I take the helmet off and place it on top of his fluffy hair. He laughs so cutely. He hits record as he starts half way thro our new house. "3... 2...1... Go" I shout from the backyard. He takes off running thro the house picking up 10 arrows and running outside to shoot them. He looked so hot when he ran. His hairs blowing in the wind along with his flannel. He shoots one target right in the middle before missing the next completely. He shoot again and make it in the second row. One last time and makes in spot on in the middle as I stop my clock. "32.87 seconds" I read off my phone.

Next was my turn. I run inside the house and set up all the arrows at the exact same spots. "Ready Honey" He shouts from the backyard. "yeah " I shout back. "321 GO" He yells. I take off spiriting tho the house at full speed grabbing all the arrows. I run outside and begin shooting at the targets. I miss the firth one so I aim again. I shoot and make it on the second row. Woods cheering me on from the side line also vlogging me with the tripod. I shoot to more time and miss only once. "And time" He says the watch on his phone He laughs before reading it. "Your not going to believe this" He says surprised. "What" I ask putting my arms around his as he shows me his phone. "32. 99 seconds" I read. "Dang off by milliseconds" I say a little upset. "N/N Do you want to just shoot for fun" he asks. "Yeah It'll be fun" I say happily hugging his arm. He smiles and sets up a tripod beside the target and behind us. "Have you ever figured out which eye your dominet with" Woods asks aiming a the target. He shoots right at the center. "No I don't think so "I say remembering when I used to go shooting when I was a kid. "Here I'll show you how to figure that out" He says putting down his bow. He stands in front of me and tells me to look at his hand. He then says, "close your left eye then your right eye and see if it moved or not". I shut my right eye then my left eye. "Your hand moved when I shut my... left eye" I say. "Your right eye dominet like me" He says happily. I smile and aim at the target. "Now shut your left eye and you should be more correct" he says professionally. I shut my left eye and let go. A light thud as the arrow hits the target right in the middle beside his arrow. "You did it" he says applauseing. I smile and look over at a very proud Woods. His smile is so precious. His eyes sparkle against the sun as he aims up against the target and shoots closer to the middle then me. His laugh is so contaguess. *this is the epic montage of Woods and I shooting bows at the targets*


We end up just siting on the couch watching a movie together when Woods came up with this brilliant idea to have a nerf gun battle in our new house. What a good idea it was too. It was so fun. We vlogged the whole thing into a 20 minute video. HEADSHOTS ONLY

About half way thro the battle we found ourselves tied at 10-10. Woods was standing on top of the couch with the cushions as shields. I was on the floor using the coffee table as protection. Just laughter everywhere. It echoed thro the house. (author note have you ever imagined having a nerf gun battle with Woods I mean I have) He shoots again and hits the coffee table. "Ya missed" I say shooting again and again RAPID FIRE. He take the cushion and blocks every shot. He shoots and it hits my knee. "Truce truce" We say together. "Ok ok" We say together. We watch as the other puts their weapon down slowly. "How's about a standoff. Starting right here at the coffee table taking 8 steps forward and turning around and shooting the other person" I say coming up with a way to make this vlog shorter. "Yeah I agree" He says in sweat voice. We stand up away from our battlespaces and shake hands. We stand back to back in the middle of the living room and take 8 steps forward. "3- 2-1 FIRE" We yell before turning around and shooting each other. Rapid fire. Our laughs spread allthrout the house. I end up falling down from laughing so hard as he walks towards me and shoots me right in the head. He then helps me off the floor. "You good" He asks laughing. "Yeah, yeah" I say laughing just as hard. We sit back down on the couch with the tripod still rolling.

I snuggle up close to him. He puts his arm around me and holds me tight. We outro the vlog both out of breathe and very tired. "Ok go subscribe- and like the smash button... " we say as I screw up my line. "What did you say" He ask looking down and me smiling. I begin giggling after I realize. "I... I'm so tired... I... i ... said Like .... That smash button" I say laughing in-between words. "Yeah Like that smash button " He shouts to the tripod. He go's and turns it off. Our smiles face each other and think the same thing. We lean in and share a delicate kiss. He looks at his watch as his eyes widen. "Honey" He says lovely. "Yes My love" I say cuddling up closer. "It's only 7Oclock" He say putting his arm around me. "Really" I say rubbing my eyes. "Yeah" He says smiling. I sit up and smile. We look into each others eyes and think. "Wine?" We say together thinking the same thing. We nod. He walks into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of wine and 2 wine glasses. He sits them both down on the coffee table and pours the wine. He hands me a glass and takes one for himself. "Cheers to vlogging" We say holding the glasses high in the air.

I cuddle up close to him almost leaning on him. His smile and eyes brighten. He puts his arm around me softly. We enjoy a very nice movie together while also listening to music. We only go to sleep around 2AM. 

AGH I am so tired from writing this. PLEASE SUGEST IDEAS, all idea for fanfiction are welcome. - TRIN 

Woodland Demars x the reader  "It'll be cute for the VLOGS"Where stories live. Discover now