Vlog 6 Relationship Never have I ever

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Never have I ever, a game of honesty and admitting. Nether of us have ever been good at this. Never have I ever was a couples game. You could both see if some one has done something while also making it fun and exciting like a game. This wasn't your idea it was Roze's. Roze came up to me a couple days ago and gave me this idea kind of like a collaboration between her channel and ours.

My eyes open slowly to the sun rising in thro the window. Woods' arm wrapped around me and mine wrapped around him. His smile grows before waking up. "Oh good morning N/N" He says in that precious voice smiling be my side. "Good morning Woodsy" I say sweetly rubbing the side of his head gently.

Once we awaken we head to Starbucks for some sweet morning coffee and head to hi5. We walk into our office and start talking vlog ideas. "Roze just texted me" I say picking up my phone. "She has a vlog idea for us" I say and Woods' eyes widen and he looks at me with those sparkling eyes. "What is it" He says in a sweet happy voice. "Oh gawd" I say in unbelief after reading. "What" He says. "Never have I ever" I read. Woods looks at me and I look at Woods. He smiles. "That would be good for content" He says smirking. "It would" I say as he smiles. "When" he asks. "6 tonight with Patrick, Hannah, Jacob, me, you and Roze" I say. "Let's do it" He says smiling "yeah" I question. "Yeah it'll be some great content. " he says happily. "Ok" I say sending the text.

Later that same day at about 6:00

"Ready to film some vlogging footage" I say excited grabbing the camrea. "Oh yeah" He says in some accent grabbing the other camrea. We vlog our converse shoes till we get to Roze's house. Both with our skateboards skating to Roze's house vlogging. After almost falling about 3 times we finally arrive. Woods stands right beside me with his vlogging camrea vlogging the door till she opens it. We knock the door together still vlogging with our other hand. She open the door and greets us. "Wassup guys" She say opening the door vlogging us.

We walk in to see Pat, Hannah and Jacob siting o the couch. That an A tripod sit up in front of the chairs and couch. We'll use the same footage just edited in our style of our channel. We all sit down and talk for a bit then we start filming.

"HELLOOO" Roze, Woods and I say together. Pat, Hannah and Jacob just sit there and wonder. "Today we're doing- NEVER HAVE I EVER--- also known as put a finger down." Woods starts to say as I finish then Roze adds. "YEAH" Hannah shouts just to day something. "Let's get Started" Roze says all zany. We all raise up both of our hands or 10 fingers. "Who wants to go first" Woods asks. "I'll go first" Roze says. She thinks for a minute or 2.

"Never have I ever binged a dead channel" She says. Pat and I put a finger down. Woods looks at me weirdly. "You have?" He asks looking over at me, "y... yeah BU" I stutter as he begins to giggle and the room smiles. "What channel did you binge" Hannah asks Pat "um REKT obviously" Pat say with sass. The room fills up with laughter. "I mean I also binged Woods' dead Vlog channel" I say again. Woods blushes a little.

"Ok ok Never have I ever... regretted kissing someone" Hannah says. Everyone looks around the room. Pat puts down another finger. The 2 couples in the room look at each other intensely. Smiles appear on everyone's face as everyone looks over at Pat He smiles nervously. "Next Question" he says avoidable.

"Never have I ever... Thought that yourself was the reason a channel died" Pat says. Woods hesitates to put a finger down. Woods sides a finger down and then sighs. "Aww.. Woodsy" I say hugging him gently. I wrap my arms around him and hug tightly and he pats my arm repeated. He blushes a little before hugging back.

"Never have I ever... stole something" Woods says. Roze, Jacob, Pat, Hannah and I all put a finger down. Woods laughs. "wait wait wait what'd you steal" Woods asks me. "A pack of gum from my mother's house about 2 weeks ago" I say smiling. The rest of the room starts laughing.

"Ok Never have I ever wanted to quit" I say. Pat and Hannah all put a finger down. "Wait really" I say surprised. Pat looks at me and smiles. "Rekt dyeing" He says. "Ohhh" Everyone in the room says. "I've thought about for a joke before when Matt, me and n/n found the mountaineer in that forest" Woods says reaching over for my hand. He holds my hand for the next few questions. 

"Ok Never have I ever had a wet dream about someone here" Hannah says. Every couples face turns a bright red. We all hesitate. Roze, Jacob, Woods and I put a finger down. Hannah and Pat look directly at us and begin laughing. Woods and I looks at each other quickly before turning our heads to the camrea and smiling. Our faces a blooming flower red. I try to hid my embarrassment and so does Woods. He looks so cute when he's nervous. 

"Never have I ever kissed some one for a bit" Roze says looking directly at us. Me and Woods look at each other and both put a finger down. "This is a little targeted don't you think" I say to Woods. "Yeah" He says back smiling. "Wait what bit was it" Jacob asks. "A bit on the Matthias channel" Me and Woods say together. "What video" Pat asks. "An unrealsed video" Me and woods say together again.

A few question later, Pat has 6 fingers down, Roze has 4 fingers down, Jacob has 4 fingers down, Hannah has 4 fingers down, Woods has 7 fingers down and I also have 7 fingers down. This was mainly targeted at us.

"Never have I ever made it so obvious that I was not single yet people still asked are you single" Jacob says as all the eyes in the room move to me and Woods. Woods looks down at me and then lightly kisses my lips before we both put a finger down. "For the last time we are dating" Me and Woods say together making it obvious. The room starts to giggle.

"Never have I ever... completely missed a hint that someone liked me" Hannah says running out of ideas. All eyes go back to starring at us. Neither of us put a finger down but Pat does. "what" Woods and I say noticing the eyes looking our way. The room beams with laughter. 

Few questions later and we have that one question that got us both out. Pat and Hannah both had 7 fingers down. Roze and Jacob both had only 6 fingers down while me and Woods had only 1 finger up. The room giggles before the question is asked.

"Never have I ever..." Pat starts to say as Me and Woods interrupt. "Ok if it's targeted at us don't say it" We interrupt. Pat laughs before continuing. "Never have I ever..." he says before pausing. "Thought of Marriage" He finishes. Woods and I look at each other before showing them that finger and putting it down. The room laughs before we kiss and walk off camrea.

The game finishes with only Pat left. "Wait what are we going to title this video" woods asks me still a little giggly about what just happened. "Relationship never have I ever" I answer. He smiles as a I lightly kiss his cheek. "Wait does that mean Pat lost and Woods and Y/N won" Roze says gathering her camrea. "I guess so" Hannah says. "We won" Woods says happily as we hi5. "Yeah" I say following his lead. Pat looks over at all of us. "Wait so I lost" He says. The room nods. We all spend the rest of that night together before Hannah leaves then pat. We decide to leave completely forgetting to outro our vlog.

A couple days later... While editing

Me and woods are in our office editing the video as he looks over at me. "we forgot to do an outro" Woods says standing up from his desk. "Oh we did" I says surprised. "Yeah" he says grabbing a local camera and starts vlogging. He holds it up above us. "Thank so much for watching-remember to like and subscribe" He begins to say as I finish. Placing his arm around me and looking down at me. "We'll see ya next time" We say in unison. "Bye" We say afterwards ending the vlog. We stand there for a couple second as he looks down into my eyes. "I love you" He says sweetly. "I love you too Woodsy" I say back nicely.

After we finally put the vlog camera down we settle down for the night. I lay up against his chest and he puts his arms around my shoulders. I look up at his preciously smiling face. His sparkling wine eyes and his calming ocean voice. "Good night N/N Love you" Woods says in a tired, soft voice. Holding my hand in his, playing with my hand gently with a smile on his face like a child. "Good night Woodsy, Love you too" I say back as his smiling childish face spreads to me. Our eyes close slowly with my hand still holding his. 

Woodland Demars x the reader  "It'll be cute for the VLOGS"Where stories live. Discover now