Chapter Three

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  Dumbledore knocked once and the nerves in the tips of her fingers seemed to sting with worry. What if Dippet didn't believe her? What if he wouldn't allow her in?

"Come in!" Said a boisterous voice and Dumbledore shot a smile at Delilah before opening the doors.

"Ah, Albus! Hello- oh hello!" Dippets gaze fell on Delilah and he wobbled himself around his desk. Delilah blinked at the old and large man in front of her. He oddly resembled a walrus.

"Hello," she greeted timidly and shook Dippets hand. "I've come to get her enrolled." Dumbledore told him and the man's eyebrows furrowed. "Enrolled?"

Dumbledore explained her 'situation' with ease and Delilah marveled at how good of a liar he was. She didn't know whether to appraise him or be put off. Nonetheless she took mental notes. she needed to me remarkable at deceit herself if she was to pull this off.

"Oh, poor child!" Dippet called and ushered her to quickly sit down. She bristled at his tone, not liking being spoken too as if she were a six year old. "Why yes of course! I'll just have to get the paperwork sorted but-oh yes of course!" He was practically shouting and Delilah repressed a wince when her ears began to dimly ring. "We have to get you sorted don't we? Let me just get the hat."

Delilah's eyebrows knitted together as Dippet brought out the old and torn hat that had decided where she belonged all those years ago apparently. Or perhaps, this hat hasn't exactly done that yet. Delilah looked at it apprehensively and Dippet misread it for fright. "Oh don't worry! You'll hear a voice in your ear and it'll just decide which house it sees you best fit into."

Her lips parted to ask a question but his arms reached out and the hat hovered above her head. Sighing lightly through her nose, she spared one last glance at Dumbledore before it fell over her eyes.

  Everything was silent for a few seconds before a gruff voice cleared its throat in her ear.


Oh, Miss Meddows? Well isn't this a surprise. Come for round two?

Wait, you know me? But we don't meet for another half century-

Don't think too hard about it, dear. I don't think your brain can take it, so much is happening inside your head it's giving me, of all things, a headache.

Can... can you tell me which house I was in? Before, I mean. Or I suppose later.


She bit her lip as a few small memories began to paint themselves on the back of her eyelids. The color blue, something about riddles, and perhaps a blonde girl covered in paint.

So what does that mean?

Well, what do you mean what does that mean?

What the hell is that supposed to mean? Stop being cryptic.

The Sorting Hat chuckled and Delilah felt the urge to rip it off her head and set it on fire.

It means, Delilah Meddows, that you belong somewhere else in this time. Your skills are to be of use somewhere else, somewhere to help.

That's still not making any sense...what house if not Ravenclaw?

Why, Slytherin, of course!

A boy moved his way to the front, taller and dark skinned with one of the most beautiful smiles she'd ever seen. Blaise. But then flashes of that Draco boy shone behind her eyes and she got an uneasy feeling in her stomach, only one word rang to mind as she thought of his face - asshole.

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