Chapter Four

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She walked with the boys back to the common room, they held light and amusing conversation. At one point Pyrrhus said something and Elio put him in a headlock. They laughed loudly and Tom shook his head at the sight of them. They were utter children.

He eyed Delilah and saw she held a look of amusement and, and something else. He didn't know what.

As Delilah watched them rough house, she didn't know why but a wave of sadness hit her as well as familiarity.

"Well, goodnight." She told them and they all waved as she walked down the hall.

Once Tom heard her door close he turned to the rest of them. He kept his voice down since other students were filing into the common room. "Meeting at midnight." He said simply and they all nodded obediently. With that he turned and left for the Head Boys dormitory.

Delilah got into her room and she spotted two girls on their respective beds. Her own bed was remade and a fresh uniform was laid on top. She walked over and felt the fabric. It was a grey pleated skirt, a nice white button down, a grey knitted vest with a green accent on the neck line, a green tie, tights, knee socks that had a trim of lace, leather shoes with a slight heel, and her robes.

She picked up her school robes and examined them with interest. It seemed rather prudish, perhaps she was just used to skirts being above the knee.

Would she get in trouble for rolling up the hem?

"You're the new girl." A voice suddenly said and Delilah spun around, her hand gripping her wand in her pocket. She relaxed as she noted it was one of her roommates.

"Yes." She cleared her throat. "Yes, I am. I'm Delilah, nice to meet you."

The girl was pale and had long, raven black hair and dark eyes. She looked Delilah over for a minute before smiling. It was small, but it was there. "I like your shoes." She commented and Delilah looked down at her red converse.

Right, she'd have to store those away for now.

"I'm Lolita Tremblay." Lolita nodded towards the other girl. Delilah's eyes shifted over to her and found that the brunette was glaring at her. "That's Olive Hornby. She's a bit bitter at the moment, ignore her."

"She can hear you." Olive huffed and made her way over. "I don't trust new people, don't take it to heart, dear." Olive eyed her over as well and Delilah shifted a bit on her feet.

"Right well, nice to meet you both. I'm just gonna hop in the bathroom." She went to her dresser and was delighted to see they provided her with bedwear as well.

After a quick wash, she changed into the clothes and laughed slightly at herself in the mirror. The pants were light and airy and reached her mid calf, and the shirt was of the same material. There was no way in hell she was sleeping in this, it was too much fabric.

Ten till midnight rolled around the corner and the boys snuck their way out of the common room to the Head Boys. The Head Girl was doing her rounds so the common room was to themselves. When they entered, Tom was already sitting in a large chair off to the side of the fireplace.

"Question." He said simply and the boys fell silent. "What do we think of Miss Delilah Pontmercy?"

They eyed each other warily before Rosier cleared his throat. "She seems nice. And based on her classes, smart." Tom hummed and his fingers twirled his wand elegantly.

"Yes, intelligent." He wondered if she possibly bought her way into N.E.W.T classes, like Malfoy, but her last name wasn't of any reputable wealth. In fact, he's never even heard of it. So she was most likely a halfblood or mudblood. He wasn't going to rush to bring this to attention, though. Again, there was something off about her. Something wrong. She carried herself too carefully and always seemed to think too much before she spoke.

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