Chapter Eight

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  Students had already started to depart for Hogsmeade as Delilah leaned against the wall, watching couple by couple leave. She wasn't mad at Elio for being late, in all honesty she just wanted to crawl back into bed.

She watched as third years bustled with excitement, the village still being a new adventure for them. The sudden realization she had no money dawned on Delilah and she cursed.

"God dammit." She kicked the wall lazily in a huff, she was at least looking forward to buying some pepper imps from Honeydukes but now she couldn't even do that.


She turned at the sound and saw Elio making his way down the main staircase, taking two at a time. "Sorry I'm late, Dumbledore asked me to give this to you." He handed her a small satchel that was a deep purple, and was decently heavy.

Peering into the bag, her eyes widened at the amount of money inside. Of course Dumbledore knew.

Delilah felt the sudden urge to hug the old wizard but she was too afraid to do so, he's done so much for her. Closing the bag with a smile, she took the arm Elio was offering.

As they made their way down to Hogsmeade, Elio kept looking at her.

"You look lovely." He finally said, it took him a few minutes to muster up the courage to say the compliment.

"Thank you, you do too. Loving the green get-up."

Elio was wearing a suit somewhat similar to Tom's. She cursed herself mentally. She'd been comparing a lot of things to Tom lately. But Elio's suit wasn't monochromatically black, it had green undertones stitched into the shirt in a delicate design.

"I don't know my way around Hogsmeade," she trailed, looking at all the shops. Though as she looked at the joke shop she heard echoes of laughter in the back of her head. A set of two.

"No worries," Elio assured. "I think we'll start with Honeydukes, that treats shop everyone talks about. Then I thought we could pop into a few different stores just to see what you like, and then after the Three Broomsticks. Have you ever had butterbeer?"

Delilah shook her head and nearly laughed at the horrified expression on his face. "Merlin, how you've lived this long without it baffles me." He said exasperated.

Reaching Honeydukes, Elio held the door open for Delilah and she smiled at him. She practically made a beeline for the pepper imps as soon as she saw them stacked against the wall.

"You like those?" A new voice said from beside her. Turning, she saw Abraxas with his nose scrunched up at the sight of the candy.

"I've never had them but I love peppermint."

"You do realize they make you breathe fire, right?"

"Really?" Her tone was excited but Abraxas simply raised a brow.

"Oh c'mon, that's cool." She was about to put one in her mouth to demonstrate but he quickly grabbed her hand.

"I'd rather not have my hair singed off, thank you."

Halfheartedly narrowing her eyes, she threw the sweets in her shopping bag before looking for the sugar quills.

After wandering around a few aisles, she finally found the sugar quills and reached for one but another hand got to it before her. Turning, she nearly fell over her own feet as she tried to step back.

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