Chapter Seven

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   October arrived with no shortage of stress.

Delilah gracelessly sat down at the Slytherin table during lunch, a yawn passing her lips as she reached for a sandwich.

"Did you even sleep last night? You weren't at breakfast." Elio asked as he observed the circles growing more prominent under her eyes.

"She wasn't in the dormitory last night either." Lolita shot her a suggestive smile.

Delilah was too exhausted to blush and she simply glared at the girl. "If you must know, I spent quite the romantic night with my alchemy textbook."

Cain took a bite of his food, not caring to close his mouth as he spoke. "I don't see why you push yourself so much, you're second in class next to Riddle. If you're trying to beat him you'll die of sleep deprivation."

Lolita scowled in disgust as she could clearly see the food Cain was chewing. "Merlin, eat with your mouth shut."

Cain turned his eyes on Lolita and simply smiled at her, still not bothering to close his mouth.

Delilah hid a knowing smile at the pair behind another yawn.

"I'm not trying to beat Riddle, I've realized that would be near impossible and I quite like my sanity. I'd be at my wits end if I tried to surpass him." She muttered.

"Is that so, Pontmercy? You appear to be perspicacious, I would not like to see you cut yourself short." Tom said as he sat down, looking as eloquent as ever.

Delilah huffed silently to herself. He was in the library nearly as late as she was, yet he got a better mark on his essay and he didn't appear to be the least bit tired. It was annoying how perfect he was. She was also irritated at his seeming refusal to call her by her first name. No matter how many times Delilah asked. So in turn, she resolved to call him Riddle. Not that he appeared to care.

"Halloween is next week." Pyrrhus piped up, a fond smile on his face. He'd been talking incessantly about the special treats Honeydukes would have for the holiday.

Her patience was wearing thin, which was never a good thing. She'd been meeting with Dumbledore three times a week to figure out what had happened to her but nothing was working.

Which was worrisome for Dumbledore, given how skilled he is.

She was starting to feel hopeless. It was such a strange sensation, not knowing who you truly are. And some nights she'd fall down a rabbit hole in her own brain as she tried to grasp at scraps of who she possibly was.

"Speaking of Halloween," Elio trailed and looked nervous as he glanced between Delilah and Pyrrhus. The latter of which gave him an encouraging nod.

A twinge of pink started to grow in the boy's cheeks and Delilah raised an eyebrow, wondering what was getting him so flustered.

"Delilah, would you like to accompany me to Hogsmeade next weekend?" Elio asked. Delilah was about to say yes, but Elio began speaking quickly in a mess of words.

"You don't have to of course. If you're busy, that's fine. Of course you're probably busy, you're brilliant and will probably be studying. Unless someone already asked you, then that's fine too. Actually, it's likely someone already did ask you. I mean, you are lovely. I was stupid to assume no one had asked you yet- why are you smiling at me like that?"

Delilah was biting her lip harshly as she attempted not to laugh. Elio's face was twinged pink and he'd been running a hand through his already messy hair throughout his entire rant.

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