Chapter 11

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I was putting off the inevitable. It had been three days since the restaurant incident and I'd been in limbo but now it was time to deal with this mess.

I got up off the couch and found Matt, he was playing some game. He was so engrossed in it, I stood there for a minute watching. The intensity on his face intrigued me, that game had every ounce of his attention and I wondered if he looked at Kate with that same intensity. If he did, she was a lucky girl.

"Matt." I said softly.

He turned and looked at me. "Um, yeah?"

"I need to go home."

"Wait, your going back?" He stood up.

"I need too."

"What for, your just going to forgive him?" He looked at me angrily.

"What, no." He had the wrong idea. "I need to get some things. I need to get back to work and I want my car, I want my stuff."

"Yeah I guess you do." He said, relaxing a bit. "When do you want to go?"

Never, I really didn't want to go at all.

"Now I guess."

"Let me get changed and we'll go."

I nodded as he headed into his room.

I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on and we headed over.

As Matt pulled up out the front I felt nauseated. I really didn't want to go in but I had to.

"Do you mind waiting here?" I asked Matt.

"Not at all Gabby." He said smiling. "But if you need me, I'll be here."


I opened the door and made my way up the path. I wasn't sure if I should use my key or not, do I knock or just go in?

I decided just to use my key and as I entered I didn't think anyone was home.

I made my way upstairs and into the bedroom. Just being here hurt and I couldn't get the image of what I'd seen out of my head.

I grabbed my suitcase and started packing my stuff.


I looked up, Brian was standing in the doorway.

"Gabby, what are you doing?"

"Getting my things." I closed the case and headed into the bathroom.

"So that's it, your just leaving?" He asked, following me.

I just nodded, grabbing stuff.

"Can we at least talk about it?"

"Talk about what Brian." I said, looking at him. "You slept with someone else, there's nothing to talk about."

"Gabby please, I didn't mean it, I'd give anything to take it back."

I pushed past him and walked back to the bedroom, grabbing my suitcase.

"What." I said to him. "You slipped and your dick fell in her?"

"Gabby don't."

"No, it's over Brian. You cheated, the end."

I headed downstairs, grabbing my car keys and heading for the door.

"Gaby, baby, I love you." He said softly, grabbing my arm.

"Well you didn't love me enough to keep it in your pants." I pulled my arm out of his grip. "Please pack up the rest of my stuff and I'll come by and get it."

I looked at him, I'd be lying if I didn't say the devastation on his face didn't give me satisfaction because it did.

I opened the door, walking to my car.

"Your staying at Matt's?"

"Don't start this shit again." I snapped, shoving my stuff in my trunk.

"I just don't get it Gaby."

I opened my door and looked at him. "There's nothing to get, Matt's helping me out."

I looked over at Matt, he gave me a 'do you need help' look. I shook my head,  I'd handled this myself.

"Okay, fine. I'll call you." He said quietly.

I nodded, starting my car. He could call me all he wanted, we were over.

It was time for me to start a new chapter in my life.

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