Chapter 26

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Unfuckingbelievable. What was that even about? What a complete asshole.

I walked quickly down Zacks street. They could all go fuck themselves as far as I was concerned, I hope him and Kate the slut were happy.

I hoped I never saw Matt, Brian or Kate again, ever. I still could not believe he said that. Fuck.

Now what the fuck was I going to do? Where the hell could I go?


I walked quicker.

"Gabby, wait."

"Go fuck yourself." I called back.

"I said wait." An arm snaked around my waist, halting my progress.

"And I said Go fuck yourself." I said, trying to pull out of his grip.

"I'm sorry okay."

"I don't care."

"Gabby." He wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me back against him. "I'm sorry."

"Why would you say that?"

He groaned. "Cause I'm stupid."

"No shit." I snapped.

"Gabby," He murmured, putting his lips to my ear. "I was jealous okay, jealous of Brian hanging all over you."

Jealous, was he serious?

I swung around to face him. "And what, you think I'm not?"

Fuck, why did I have to look at him?

"You are?"

"Matt your still fucking engaged to her."

"No I'm not." He said pulling me closer.

"Does she know that?"

"Does Brian know your not interested?"

"Yes Matt he does, I've pretty much told him in five different languages, it's not my fault he's thick."

"That's it then." He said pulling away.

What, what was it?

"What, your going back to her?"

He looked at me like I was stupid. "No Gabby."

"Well what then?"

"I'm going to tell Kate we're through and then I'm going to take you home." He pulled me close again. "And when we get there I'm taking you to bed because your all I can fucking think about Gabby."

Oh my gosh. "Is that so?"

"Yes it is but now I'm going to kiss you because I haven't for about an hour and it's killing me."

How could I argue with that?

He kissed me softly and I closed my eye's, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Gabby." He murmured. "Please don't ever doubt that it's you I want to be with."

I smiled against his lips. "Good."

"Very good."

We went back to kissing again. There was just something there, neither of us could deny that.

"I plan on undressing you slowly." He whispered.

Oh god I just about came right there.

"But first I'll tell Kate." He pulled back and looked at me. "I'm yours Gabby, 100% yours. I don't want anyone else."

I smiled at him. "I hope so."

"I know so." More kisses. "Now let's go back and if anyone has a problem with us, fuck them."

I took his hand and we walked back up the street.

Things were about to get serious, our friends and our exes were about to find out about us but for some damn reason, all I could think about was Matt, undressing me slowly.

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