Chapter 36

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"Gabby you look fine." Sally assured me.
I looked in the mirror again. I didn't think I looked fine at all.
"The makeup girl isn't a miracle worker." I told her.
"You look fine, now get dressed."
I smiled at Sally. I was trying my hardest to appear happy for her, afterall it was her wedding day, it wasn't her fault she had a miserable bridesmaid.
Her sisters had already gotten dressed and they were helping Sally into her dress, so I went into my room and pulled on my dress, looking in the mirror once again. The dress was tight but flattering, well maybe on the other girls, I just looked horrible. I had terrible bags under my eye's and I just looked blah.
"You almost ready?" Hannah, Sally's youngest sister asked, sticking her head around the door.
No, no I was not ready. Matt would be there and I was not ready.
I grabbed my purse off the bed, following her out.
"You look really pretty Gabby."
I wished people would stop lying.
"Well?" Sally asked as we walked out to the living.
I looked at her. She looked beautiful, like the perfect bride.
"You look perfect." I whispered.
"Oh Gabby no." She cried. "Don't cry, then I'll start."
I hugged her, trying not to cry but failing miserably.
"Let's go or you'll be late." Sarah, Sally's other sister told us.
I quickly dabbed at my face as we headed outside to the cars.
The stupid photographer was snapping away, taking pictures of everything and frankly he was beginning to piss me off.
He snapped away while we were getting in the cars, which to me seemed ridiculous.
"See you there." Sally called to me as she got in her car with her father.
I sat back by myself in the car as we started the drive to the church. I didn't like being alone. I thought to much when I was alone.
Matt was going to be at the church. I hadn't seen or heard from him since he dumped my bags on the floor.
The thought of seeing him made me feel sick and I wished I didn't have to go to the wedding, I really did.
I looked out the window and wondered if Matt would have a date. Maybe he'd be with Kate.
I dabbed at my face again, thinking about it had made me cry again.
I spent the rest of the trip doing my best not to think about Matt, and I was doing a good job, well until we pulled up at the church.
He was going to see me, he would see me walk down that aisle and he would look at me and be glad, glad that he'd gotten rid of me.
I took a deep breath and waited for the doors to open.
Here goes, I thought to myself. And I began the longest walk of my life.

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