Chapter 1

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This was set after the 'Dungeons Dungeons and more Dungeons' episode and before Weirdmageddon. In the DP universe, this is after season 3 but Phantom Planet never happened. That's all you need to know for now, enjoy.

(Cover art by me)


Danny wasn't sure what was going to happen when he went to talk to the boy, but he was sure he wasn't expecting what had happened. Before him stood a boy who seemed about a year or two younger than him, he was wearing a blue and white hat that was pulled down over his head hiding his eyes from the ghost's view. In the boys, clenched fingers was a small thin piece of white chalk. The kid seemed to be really nervous, the chalk he was holding was quivering under the pressure he was putting on it with his hand.

Danny stayed completely still. He did not exactly know why he couldn't leave this spot. Below him was a circle drawn on the ground with a pentagram in the middle of it. Around the outside of the circle were a bunch of random shapes that Danny only recognized a few of, he had seen them from the books that he had seen in Clockworks library. Danny had no idea how the boy managed to get the chalk to draw and stick to the grass and dirt that was around them in this forest, but he didn't really care about that right now.

He had come here to check out something, Clockwork had sent him so of course, Danny has no idea what it is he was supposed to do. That ghost is always so cryptic that you wouldn't be able to understand him if he asked you to pass the potatoes at a dinner table. Danny had no idea what was going on here, but if clockwork had sent him to this place it must be important, somehow. And now he was in some kind of demon trap with a scared kid in front of him who still hasn't moved. He really should have checked where he was floating around here.

"Hey, kid. What are you doing? And why am I in a trap?" Danny started startling the boy who snapped the piece of chalk in half with his hand, It seemed he had been in some spiraling train of thought before Danny spoke. Danny could now see that underneath his arm was a book of some kind, it seemed really weathered and had the number 3 printed on it. Danny assumed that is where he had gotten the instructions for this trap. Although Danny didn't really know why it was working on him.

The boy paused for a second. "You're stuck in the trap." He took a small step back nearly tripping over the oil lamp that was placed on the ground behind him lighting up the surrounding trees.

Danny blinked his glowing green eyes before throwing his hands to the side, his fingers bouncing off some kind of invisible field. "Of course I am stuck in the trap, now can you get me out of said trap?" He practically yelled.

The boy's head shot up looking Danny in the eyes. "You're stuck in the trap." He repeated. "But that-that means." Danny was getting more and more confused by the second.

"It means? Honestly kid I don't have all night." Danny crossed his arms and continued floating just above the ground, he had no idea what would happen if he touched the chalk below him. He had also never seen anything trap a ghost that was not made up of his parent's tech or ecto coated, what was this. Is this what Clockwork wanted him to check out?

The boy gripped the book closer to his chest before he turned and bolted away from Danny into the forest. Danny sighed angrily. "Great, he's gone." He glanced around at the dark trees surrounding him, It felt as if someone was watching him but he couldn't tell from where. Danny had a deep cold in his chest and a chill up his spine that he couldn't quite shake, it wasn't his ghost sense so what was it? He shook his head. "At least he left me the light." He grumbled. "What am I going to do?"


Dipper ran as fast as he could back to the mystery shack nearly tripping over rocks and sticks as he ran. That thing got stuck in that trap, the one he was making to trap Bill. He didn't even really register what the teenager-like creature was saying to him, he knew one thing, he needed to get to Ford before it found a way to escape.

Dipper practically kicked open the door as he ran in. "Grunkle Ford!" He yelled. He didn't really care if Stan or Mabel were already in bed, this was important. He rushed over to the vending machine on the other side of the shack quickly pushing in a sequence of buttons, nearly missing some of them in his rush.

The vending machine swung open like a door revealing a dimly lit staircase behind it. Dipper doubted that Ford had already gone into his room for bed, so that meant that he was probably working on something in his lab. "Grunkle Ford!" He yelled again as he almost slipped down the concrete stairs grabbing onto the handrail to catch himself as he steadied his shakey feet.

Dipper heard footsteps running over to him. "Dipper? What is going on? I am working on some very sensitive equipment right now." Ford rounded the corner only to have Dipper crash into him headfirst knocking them both over. "Dipper!"

Dipper was breathing heavily, gasping for air. He had run a long way, or at least it felt like a long way to him. He really did have any idea how far away it really was. "F-ord." he was still gasping for air. "The tr-ap, it- it..."

Ford put his hands-on Dippers shoulders. "Calm down Dipper! What is going on?"

Dipper took in one more breath before looking into his Grunckle's eyes. "I caught a demon."



Sorry, I know this chapter is short, but I have a huge plan for this and the next chapter will be longer. Please tell me what you thought of this chapter I love to read the reviews.

Sorry for any mistakes that I might have had. I do reread these over like 20 times before I post them, but I still miss things. If I catch something later on I will fix it. Thank you.

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