Chapter 5

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"Bill?" Danny asked, surprised.

The yellow triangle circled around the halfa twirling his black cane in his hands. "DP! Hello. How's it been? Long time no see."

Danny rolled his eyes. "We saw each other four days ago Bill."

"I know, but it's felt like forever since I've seen my closest friend." Bill tipped his top hat.

"We are not close friends. It is more like I tolerate hanging out with you because. You. Won't. Leave."

Bill flipped upside down. "Awe, you don't mean that. I know you love me." Bill landed on Danny's head.

"Sure." He swatted the demon away from him. "Get off of me." He grumbled. After trying and failing to get the triangle-shaped demon off of his head he sighed and sat down on a rock. "Fine, what are you doing here, Mr. Dorito?"

"Can't a demon pop in to see his hybrid friend every once and a while?"

Danny looked up at the air above him with a disbelieving look. He couldn't see Bill from this angle. "Yeah huh, and I'm Santa Clause."

Bill sighed. "Fine. I've been watching you." He floated up off of Danny's head as a bunch of eyes appeared around circling Danny. "Well ever since you entered the town that is." The eyes all suddenly shut, leaving behind clear air. "I saw you met PineTree and Sixer. So... whatcha think?"

"You mean the hunters that were going to experiment on me? You know, sticking someone in a trap and calling them evil is a great first impression." Danny crossed his arms.

"I know! And they thought you were a demon." Bill rolled onto his back while floating in the air laughing. "It was too funny."

Danny rolled his eyes. "Okay, so why were you watching me?"

"I was bored," Bill said. "And besides I had to hang around you for a while until you left enough ecto energy in the air for me to actually have a form in this dimension."

"You are using my shredding ectoplasm to make yourself a body." The halfa questioned. "So you're a leech?"

"I am not a leech." Bill said angrily, his body changing to a more reddish color. He quickly changed back to his normal color to continue the conversation, calming himself down. "I'm just a demon following around my halfa friend so I can hang out with him." Bill suddenly disappeared from view and the demon's voice spoke up in Danny's head. "And I can chat in here if it makes you feel better."

"Bill, get out of my head." Danny responded annoyed within his own mind.

"Oh come on DP. It's not like I can get into any of your memories from here... For some reason..." Bill popped back up in front of Danny in the real world. "You got any fancy spells going on, DP? You don't trust me?"

Danny stood up and started walking further into the forest, Bill floating in the air next to Danny's head. "No, I am just getting better at protecting my mind from things like mind control. And that includes mind reading. And to answer your second question, No I definitely don't trust you."

Bill mock gasped. "DP, how could you." He put his hand over the middle of his -chest?- "That hurts me right here." He flew in front of Danny's path. "After all I've done for you?"

"You haven't done anything for me, Bill. And I am kinda busy at the moment, I need to figure out what Clockwork wants me to do." Danny rubbed his forehead. "Dude never tells me anything." He grumbled.

"Good old Stopwatch. Do you think he misses me?" Bill put his hand directly under his eye as if it was his chin.

Danny scoffed. "Doubt it."

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