Chapter 2

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Ford's eyes widened at what his nephew had told him, was it Bill? "Dipper, you caught a demon?" He asked, a slight tinge of worry in his voice.

"I was- trying out one of- the demon traps from the journal- It just flew into it." Dipper tried to explain between trying to gasp more air for his oxygen-depleted lungs.

"And you left it there!?" Ford darted back around the corner to grab a satchel and the first journal of the collection that was sitting on the desk. "We need to go get it. Where did you leave it Dipper?"

"In the forest, I think I remember where it was." He started running back to the stairs, his hands grasping the railing.

"Dipper just tell me where it was. I'm going alone, I don't want you going and getting hurt," Ford called out.

Dipper turned around with determination in his eyes his hands not leaving the railing. "It is in the trap, and I am going. This is my chance, Ford. I can do this."

"Dipper you are going to get hurt if you go. Demons are dangerous creatures."

"Well- Well... Then I won't tell you where it is, I will just have to show you. Ford please, I have read your journal a thousand times over, I can handle myself." Dipper tried to explain.

Ford sighed, he knew that they were losing precious time and Dipper wasn't going to tell him without going. "Fine. But stay behind me and do exactly as I say. Do you understand?" Dipper aggressively nodded before taking off up the stairs.

It took them less time than Dipper expected to get back to the spot where he recognized the area. Up ahead they both saw the lamp that Dipper had left there in his haste to find his Grunkle. Still in the same spot where he had left it, was the demon, crossing his legs and looking rather... bored?


Danny had waited in the trap for what felt like ages. He had tried getting out, but every time he would just run into the same transparent field. He had even tried an ectoblast against it but all it did was sputter out of existence after a couple seconds, never leaving the barrier. Danny had never been stuck in a trap like this so he had no idea what to do. He knew Clockwork wasn't going to come over and help him any time soon, so his only hope right now was for the kid to come back, even if he hated that idea. He sighed and banged his head up against the field.

Suddenly he heard footsteps coming up through the forest, one sounded smaller than the other so he assumed that the kid had come back with a friend or parent. Out from behind some trees walked the boy and a much older man who was wearing rounded glasses and a brown coat. The boy was now holding a flashlight, with a weird-looking blue and pink crystal tied to the front. "Glad to see you again." Danny rolled his head back. "I thought I was going to be trapped here for the rest of my afterlife." He commented.

The man seemed slightly surprised, almost like he had been expecting something, or someone else. They both stayed silent just staring at the halfa who was still floating cross-legged in the trap. Danny continued. "So are you going to let me out, or?"

The man seemed to have tensed at that. "We are not letting you out of there. If you are in there it is safe for us." He called back aggressively.

Danny tilted his head. "Safe for you?" He paused, thinking of a way he might be able to convince them that he wouldn't hurt them. "Hmm... Okay, how about if I promise to leave you alone the moment you get me out of this thing. Deal?"

What he said gave the absolute opposite effect of what he wanted. It seemed to frighten the people more than anything else he could have said to them. "We aren't going to make any deals with you!" The boy yelled angrily, throwing his hand out to the side. Flashlight still pointed at Danny. For some reason.

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