Chapter 4

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Danny had made it to this 'Mystery shack' place, and it was as he had expected it was a tourist trap. There weren't going to be any tore's until the afternoon that day but that didn't mean he couldn't check this place out. There was a wooden sign on the door that had the word 'open' painted on it in fading colour, but Danny couldn't see anyone inside.

Danny was suddenly startled when a small goat seemingly out of nowhere screamed at him from the porch, a can sticking out the edge of his mouth. Danny looked down at it, stunned, after a couple seconds before the goat jumped down and walked past Danny like nothing happened, and trotted down the dirt path into the forest that was just outside the shack, the direction that Danny had come from.

This place wasn't Amity Park weird, but it was weird. In just one day he had first come across some gnomes who were stealing pancakes in the forest. And then Danny kepped hearing this rattling noise from behind him as he floated through the forest, and every time he turned around the sound abruptly stopped. It was creepy. But what was even creepier, was that no matter where he had been since that demon trap thing he had always felt like he was being watched.

Danny scanned the area around the shack with his ocean blue eyes before opening the mesh door. Once inside his nose was bombarded with the sudden smell of glue, old wood, and those weird pine tree air fresheners that they put in cars. Inside the shack were very cheap-looking gimmicks that either looked like they were glued together from random animal pelts or made out of paper mashy.

The only person in the entire gift shop was a teenage redhead, who looked quite a bit like Jazz in Danny's opinion. She was wearing a green plaid shirt and had her feet up on the counter while she was reading a magazine that Danny couldn't quite see the name of. She was probably waiting for some customers to enter the Shack. Danny quickly noticed that her hands looked quite rough and there was an ax laying behind her against the wall.

Danny walked up slowly and leaned on the wooden counter that she had her feet rested on. "Hey, how is it going?" Danny asked. The girl tilted down her magazine to look up at the raven-haired boy.

"Pretty good to be honest. Although I am quite surprised to see someone here so early in the morning. Normally they wait till the tours." She crossed her ankles on the desk. "What brings you here?" She asked.

Danny shrugged "I was going to be stuck here for a little bit and thought I would check this place out. A 'Friend' strongly recommended I come." Danny put extra emphasis on the word friend. Not that Clockwork wasn't his friend 'sort of' but he was just really annoyed with him at the moment. -*cough* Sending Danny here and basically blackmailing him. *cough cough.*-

"So, how long are you staying?" She pulled her feet off the counter and sat up straight in her chair, the magazine now in her lap. "Most people don't really stay around Gravity Falls that often, mainly because they don't have a hotel here. It's more of a 'look at it as you drive through, and forget about it the rest of your life' kind of deal, well unless you live here."

Danny sighed a bit. "I am not sure how long I will be here really. Do you have any suggestions of places you could go around here?" Danny asked. "I mean this place is nice and all, but it's kind of..." Danny glanced around the gift shop.

"Gimmicky?" Wendy finished, pointing at him.

"You said it not me." He chuckled. "Like, 'Completely real, rare, limited-time sphinx egg, LIMITED TIME! RARE!'." Danny read off a sign that was propped up next to a rock that was covered in cheap plastic feathers and sitting on a red pillow that you could find at a dollar store. "I mean you can still see the glue drying on it." They both laughed.

"I feel like the 'Sphinx' that made that was held together with paper and duct tape." Wendy added, and they both continued laughing. Wendy spoke up again. "You said you were looking for something to do right?" Danny nodded. "Me and my friends were going to go hang out tomorrow, I am sure you are welcome to join us."

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