Chapter 3

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Danny turned around in the air looking back at the ghost floating behind him. The ghost had pale blue skin, glowing red powerful yet friendly eyes, and a violet-colored cloak was draped across his head and shoulders. Planted in the center of his chest was a clock itself, its pendulum swinging back and forth with a light ticking sound resonating through the air, constant but yet not annoying.

In the ghost's hand was a tall staff with a stopwatch floating in the middle that he had used to pause the time around them. The master of time himself. Danny sighed and slumped his shoulders. "Hey, Clockwork." He sounded like he was a kid getting caught stealing from the ghostly cookie jar.

The time ghost gave a slight nod towards the halfa. "Daniel. leaving so soon?" He asked his watchful eyes scanning over the dimly lit town and nearby forest. "Have you done what I asked of you then?" Danny knew that Clockwork knew the answer. He wouldn't be here if he didn't know Danny was trying to leave.

Danny crossed his arms, drumming his fingers against his arm. "Well, you know, I looked around, saw the sights... Got stuck in a demon trap!" Danny could've sworn he saw a light smile at the edge of Clockwork's lips.

"Did you now?" Clockwork's form changed from a young man to a small child. His voice stayed the same deepness as it was before, seeming extremely strange to be coming from a child's body. "Does that mean you have not done what I asked?"

Danny threw his arms in the air. "I don't know what you asked, Stopwatch. And now there are some kind of hunters around here who will probably be looking for me by now, wanting to strap me down to a dissection table!"

Clockwork tilted his head at the halfa. "You can leave if you truly wish, but I would not recommend that path." He gestured away from the town with his staff as he transformed back into his younger man form.

"Is this some kind of time travelers blackmail or something. I don't stay here and the world ends?"

Clockwork said nothing only looking for Danny to make a choice. Danny spun around and pulled his hair, why was Clockwork like this? He sighed and looked back up again at the ghost. "I'll stay, but if something else happens I am going back." Clockwork started to turn around. "And at least tell me what I am supposed to do." Danny called out.

Clockwork nodded. "You will know what to do when the time is right." He created a portal with his staff.

"That's not an answer!" Danny yelled as clockwork went through the portal. As soon as the portal closed and time started again, something came thumping down on Danny's head as if it was thrown through another portal. Danny grabbed the thing that had landed on him to see it was a pamphlet, to a place in Gravity Falls called the 'Mystery Shack'. "Still not an answer!" He called out to the air in front of him, knowing that Clockwork could hear him. He rolled his eyes, at least it was better than working off of nothing.


Danny had decided to sleep on a tree branch that night. Of course, it was not as comfortable as a bed, but it was better than nothing, and no predators could get him from up there. He hoped so anyway. He decided to sleep in his ghost form in case anything happened or anyone saw him. It would be a bit hard to explain why there was a teenager sleeping at the top of a gigantic tree. Then again it would also be hard to explain why a ghost was sleeping on top of a tree as well.

But needless to say, Danny's night sleep wasn't the best he had ever had, but not surprisingly it wasn't the worst either. When he woke up it was early morning and the sun was just poking up over the horizon. The sooner he did whatever Clockwork wanted him to do the sooner he could leave.

When he said he was wanting to get away from home for a bit, going around doing Clockwork's weird missions was not what he had in mind. He needed to get away from his parents for a while, according to Jazz being around too much negative talk about ghosts was 'bad for his mental health' as she put it. And it's not like he had any really big plans for the rest of his summer anyway.

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