Chapter 7

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It didn't take Danny long to find the small diner in the town. It seemed to be pretty quiet. But then again this is a pretty small town with not many people. It was shaped like a large wooden log and had a large sign on the roof that read 'Greasy's Diner. We have food.' Danny smiled slightly as he walked over to the steps that lead up to the door. Once he opened it he heard a small bell ring that was situated at the top of the doorframe.

Some people in the diner looked over at him and stared for a second. Danny was the new guy that no one knew, it was to be expected. Danny shifted a little awkwardly under their gazes before they turned back to their meals. He walked slowly over to the barstool that was right in front of the wooden counter.

Just past the counter, on the back wall, was a chalkboard that had a bunch of different food items and prices written down on it. Ninety percent of the options were pancakes. One of the items was underlined and bolded, it was labeled coffee pancakes. Danny raised an eyebrow. Coffee pancakes? He had never heard —

"Hello there." Danny looked away from the chalkboard and over to the woman who addressed him, her voice was quite loud. He smiled politely and glanced over her appearance. The first thing he noticed was that her left eye was completely shut, showing off with some bright blue eyeshadow. She also had an apron on, so he assumed she either was the cook or a waiter. "Welcome to Greasy's diner, my name is Lazy Suzan."

Like those things that spin around in display cabinets? "Danny." He nodded. "I was wondering if I could grab some breakfast?" He looked up to the clock and saw it read 10:30, man he slept in late. "Or brunch I guess." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course, what would you like? I would recommend the pancakes." She gestured her hand towards the chalkboard again.

"The normal Pancakes sound fine, thank you." Danny nodded.

She simply turned around and walked into the open-plan kitchen that was behind a second counter. Danny decided to sit on one of the barstools at the counter. He didn't want to take up a whole booth by himself in a small diner like this.

As he was waiting, he heard the bell of the dinner ring just like it did when he walked in, but he decided not to look over. So, he just sat there tracing his finger across the wood grain of the counter. "Hope you're happy, I don't like being out here," Danny grumbled within his own mind. Bill didn't respond and Danny rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, a voice came out from next to him calling out over the counter. "Hey Lazy Suzan, my usual, please. Also looking fine as ever today might I add." The voice was gruff and Danny felt like he recognized it but wasn't sure.

"Oh, Stanford." The woman laughed.

Danny glanced up over towards the man who was speaking and his core dropped out of his chest. Panic filled his system and it took everything he had not to bolt out of the diner right at that moment. It was the hunter, not the kid but the hunter. He tried to turn his head away hoping that the man wouldn't see him.

"Ancients, Ancients, Ancients, Ancients!" He cursed in his mind. "What am I going to do! I have to get out of here." His eyes once again flicked towards the nearest exit, and just like when he checked the first time it was the only door at the end of the Diner where he came in.

"Ha ha ha ha HA!" Bills laughed echoed through Danny's brain causing the halfa to growl at him within his mind.


"You should hear yourself panicking! It's delightful." Danny could hear the demon still chuckling.

Danny drilled his vision into the counter in front of him. "That's the hunter, Bill! You don't know how bad this is for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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