Chapter 6

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So that's what Bill meant when he said she was 'friends with those hunters he hates so much.' Okay, Danny could do this, he didn't need to get too close anyway, just enough that he could get this girl to safety. He didn't feel like being experimented on today.

He had flown up into the air above the tops of the evergreens for a second to try and check his surroundings, he quickly spotted the clearing and the large broken 'Mystory Shack' sign on the top of the roof. It would take maybe 20-25 minutes to walk there.

He floated back down to the ground landing with a light thud next to Mabel. "A little under a 30-minute walk," Danny told her. "Should be fine as long as there are no gnomes hiding out waiting for us. But after earlier, I doubt they would." Mabel nodded excitedly and they both started walking, well maybe was more skipping along next to Danny to keep up.

After about 30 seconds of unbearing silence, Mabel spoke up again. "What's it like to fly?" She asked, her voice filled with intrigue. "I mean, it looks so cool!" She held one hand out as if she was flying like an airplane while the other was still holding onto her pig.

Danny stopped for a second, before quickly starting to walk again. "I don't often think about it really, I mean flying and floating-" He floated an inch of the ground and then back down. "- Are natural for ghosts."

He put his hand on his chin. "But if I were to describe it to a human, I'd say, It's like you are weightless. Gravity not affecting you, like it is just passing right through you, your chest feels all tingly like how you feel when you are going straight down on a rolercoster."

"You can propel yourself forward by tugging at your own limbs and directing yourself where you want to go. It takes practice though. I mean I used to fall on my face and crash through walls and windows all the time when I first died." He chuckled. "But the feeling of wind in your face, being able to see everything from above, it's beautiful. Makes you" Danny was looking ahead of him his eyes lost in a trance as he explained.

Mabel on the other hand was looking up at him, hanging onto every word he spoke. "It sounds beautiful."

Danny looked back at her and chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck. It was so... nice, nice to see someone that wasn't afraid of him, someone who was interested in things about him, without wanting to torture him to see what makes him tick. It made him feel... happy.


The both of them talked a little more while they walked. And Mabel loved every moment of it, he was so nice and kind. He always waited to listen to what she had to say. And of course as a bonus. He was really cute.

She hadn't even noticed the time flying by. She stopped when the ghost in front of her slowed and stood still. She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow before looking around. She had quickly recognized the area. This was the part of the forest just outside of the Mystery Shack.

She realized that Phantom was all tense around here. She wondered why. "Your house is just a little bit ahead, I shouldn't get too close."

She paused, thinking about asking him why he wouldn't want to get too close, but decided against it. "Well, thanks again for saving me." Her pig oinked in her arms, causing her to chuckle. "And Waddles." She held the pig up to the ghost's eye height again and Waddles licked his nose, causing both of them to chuckle.

Phantom smiled. "Well, you are very welcome Waddles." He bowed slightly. "Bye Mabel." He waved slightly to the girl.

Mabel started to walk away but stopped turning back around. "Will I see you again? like in the forest?"

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