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❝ AAAAAAA HELLO THERE LOVELIES LONG TIME NO SEE!!! Sorry for the aggressive beginning author's note haha. I'm back to writing stuff- coolio. We begin this month's daily dose of me-getting-obsessed-over-something-and-writing-about-it-for-a-few-weeks with none other than Severus Snape. And boy did this romance hit me hard. With a lack of many good fanfictions for this exciting man, I decided to also write a not very good fanfiction lololol. I tried my best, but I haven't written anything in painstakingly long and it'll take me a little while to get back into my groove. I'm almost disappointed in myself, I know this isn't my full potential. But I promise I'll get there. Please, PLEASE leave input on the story and let me know how you like it! More chapters coming out in a few hours I just need to sleep, seeing as it's already one in the morning. Also, important note! I will begin every chapter with a song and a Snape photo- both of these things will in some way give you an idea what the mood for the chapter is. So if the song and photo are both sad, likelihood is it's a sad chapter, etc. etc. Enjoy! ❞


Safe by Daya



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"Lily, who is that?" I asked, pointing to a third-year boy with shoulder-length raven black hair and darkly rimmed brown eyes.

    "Oh, that's Severus! He's my neighbor, you know."

    "Are you good friends? He keeps staring, it's kind of creeping me out..."

    Lily shrugged indignantly, popping another grape into her mouth. "He just kind of does that sometimes. My guess is he's spacing out."

    "At us??"

    Lily laughed and did a quick, anxious scan of the room. She was always looking around for that Potter boy, but he always seemed to get into trouble. It was actually really annoying, we could never have a conversation without her stopping AT LEAST five times to check and make sure James wasn't near, and if he was, she would always tuck her hair behind her ear. Even I had to admit she was beautiful, but I was just a first-year and didn't exactly see the appeal of constant flirtatious looks.

    When Lily ultimately concluded that no, James hadn't come to lunch yet, she turned back to me. "Don't worry, Y/N. It's not that weird."

    Uh huh. Yeah. Sure.

    It wasn't like this Severus kid was the only one, either. A lot of boys had their eyes on Lily. The interruptions were aggravatingly constant. Don't get me wrong, having an older friend like her was amazing. She was so sweet to me, and helped me figure out where to go and how to get to my classes, and invited me to sit with her and her friends on the train when I couldn't find any open seats with kids my age. They all took to me really nicely, too. I felt welcome with the third-years. They even let me sit with them at the Gryffindor table, despite having been placed in Hufflepuff!

Severus Snape x Reader - The Note BoxWhere stories live. Discover now