『S3 Chapter 40 ~ All I Want for Christmas is You Pt. 3』

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❝ I AM NOT CONFIDENT IN THIS CHAPTER HELP- I'm still trying to get back into the swing of writing again, so I really apologize if this is bad or not as top tier as you guys expected. Also, I'm expecting to write during the week and post all the chapters in bursts on the weekends, so I'll try that this week- let me know how you like it! In light of this decision, I made today's chapter quite long. I love you guys so much, enjoy <3 ❞


Wonder by Shawn Mendes



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Things kind of stop making sense, but also start making sense, when you're incredibly tipsy. Not only that, but incredibly tipsy with three wizards. Not only that, but incredibly tipsy with three wizards, one of whom you are head over heels for. I'd seen Severus drink before, but I'd never seen him drunk before.

I really don't even remember how it happened, but 'three wizards' quickly turned into the entire staff. And we weren't in Hagrid's hut anymore... it looked like we were in the teacher's lounge. Woahhh wait.... How did I get here- I wondered, staring at the room we were in blankly, like a madwoman.

"Severus, I don't think that fits-" Moony warned, kind of laughing to himself, pink faced.

"No, shhhh." Sev kept trying to jam a puzzle piece where it very obviously didn't belong. Since when were we doing a puzzle-

"Here, let me help," offered Hagrid. Sev moved his hands away, and the giant slammed his fist onto the table, cramming the puzzle piece in. Truffle nearly jumped out of her skin- though, literally, she jumped about three feet in the air.

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