『S3 Chapter 26 ~ mOoN mOoN』

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❝ Hi there!!! We're giving Remus some love today haha. I just love our favorite drunk uncle. The man is a legend, prove me wrong. ❞


Alone Together by Fall Out Boy



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"I might mention, now that I think about it," started Remus, burying his hands into his pockets. "There was a Dementor on the train. Went after Harry." Severus shivered beside me.

"Is Harry okay??? I didn't see him come off the train!"

"Harry's fine. Gave him some chocolate and all. You didn't see him because you were talking to me."

I snorted with a smile. Leave it to Remus.

"But it is important to know that Dementors are popping up- no doubt after one Sirius Black. Are you both familiar with your patronus?" Remy asked us, making casual eye contact. In my mind, Remy acted like a drunk uncle- or I guess in my case brother. You know, the one who's always asking for money? Except with Remy it was more like always asking for assurance or hugs, and I was always very glad to offer my services.

"Yes," Sev answered, and while his voice was completely monotone, his eyes were choked up and burdened. I very discreetly rubbed his arm in assurance, not sure what he was getting sad over.

"I've only used mine once, I guess I'll need more practice?"

"Well sure. We can do that whenever you feel like. On the note of protective spells, are you thinking of rejoining the aurors again, Hart? You left when Sirius went missing, now I think it's about time you come back," Remus inquired, getting out of the carriage once we parked and holding his hand out to help me jump off. I accepted it and swung down, Sev following. We trudged through the mud to the school doors and led the students inside.

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