『S1 Chapter 6 ~ Don't Be Scared』

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Scared By Jeremy Zucker



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It became increasingly more obvious that someone was inside the next room. And no, I wasn't just talking about the troll. In front of the cellar door, not only was it cracked open, but there was a bag of curious and miscellaneous items. Closer still, we advanced. Once there was no space between us and the door, Severus put his index finger to his lips, asking me to remain silent.

    Grunting and mumbling could be heard inside the room. It almost sounded like two different voices, but I wasn't entirely positive, because whichever direction the first voice was in, the second was in the same exact spot. Or roughly, at least.

    Severus moved his hand away from his face. "Listen carefully," he whispered, pronouncing every syllable with deliberate concentration. "Professor Quirrell is inside the room, but he is not alone, and he is not your friend. Under no circumstances can you allow him to see you. You will not be able to see the other person, nor should you try. Assume that Quirrell can see in all directions. If this is what I think it is, it is crucial that you find something that may render the troll defenseless or faulty as a guard in any way. And if I tell you to do something, you must do it, especially if it means leaving me behind. Do not use magic unless it is aparating out of the Underground Chambers, or the second person may find you. Once you have found something wrong with the troll, do your best to get proof, and immediately aparate out to the Dark Forest. Only once you are safely away do you give me some sort of sign the task is complete. Do you understand?" he confirmed with me, putting his hand firmly on my shoulder.

    At first I felt playful about the situation, but now, as my face paled, I realized this wasn't a game of chess. I was in danger, the same way a beloved friend of mine was twelve years ago. But something gave me the idea that if we were caught, Severus' fate would be worse than mine and hers. Not once did I question him. Trying my hardest to contain my labored breathing, I turned back to the door, ready.


    Watching the adventure fade from Y/N's eyes punched another hole in my soul. I was even beginning to secretly enjoy going through the levels with her. Normally, it was just business- get through it. But with this wild Hufflepuff marshmallow at my side- loudly shouting how fun being tossed by a pawn was, or how cute that puppy was- the stone walls felt a little less grey.

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