Chapter 1

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Hueningkai hummed along to 'lover' by Taylor Swift as he made breakfast for himself. Waffles was a must in the mornings for the tall man, he whipped up a huge amount of frosting and spread it on his waffles as he held a banana with his mouth. "Hueningkai!!" His mom's voice echoed throughout the house. "Yefh Mfomf." His muffled reply came out. "Where are you going?" She questioned entering the tiled kitchen. "And oh my! How much whipped cream are you eating?" She screamed as her eyes widened in horror. "How does it even matter?" He replied while rolling his eyes. "You are getting married in a week hun." She breathed out. "Who cares." With that he exited the house paying no heed to his mother scolding him.

Hueningkai hailed from a wealthy family, his dad being the CEO of bottled heaven company, the second largest and popular perfume company. He was given everything on a silver platter so he kind of molded into a brat. He had a big brother, Joshua who would the CEO of Bottled Heaven soon. He on the other hand never really fussed about it, As soon as he came out as gay, He was asked to sit still and look pretty simply because his parents did not enough time to asses his choices. 

He was 21 years old currently and his mom insisted on getting him married to the earliest. He only nodded to the statement, wasn't even surprised. Also with his dad there was no use arguing, he would be blackmailed or something in that line to get the work done. He did not know who was the groom yet and honestly he did not care.

Whoever it is gonna be I am going to be on my own anyway.

With that thought he entered the mall where he had promised to meet his friends, clad in a blue hoodie and denim pants. He was to lazy to dress up, unlike the other rich kids he disliked the thought of flashing his wealth.

"Whoo! look who decided to show up. A familiar voice wolf whistled loud inside the mall. His friends Taehyun and Beomgyu were looking at him with a lazy smirks. They did not really care about him, only hanged out with him because of money and fame. Your typical rich friends. He greeted them back with harsh pats on the back.

That's how they communicated. But still he could rely on them both at some point which revolved only around outside him. Maybe it was his own fault that he found it hard to confide his personal stuff with them, but


It was for his own good anyway, during an argument or in the future if they are not on good terms they might use that against him and blow the thing up, then he would regret telling them. So better Safe than Sorry. The heir of Bottled Heaven cannot afford to have regrets. Steps should be calculated before itself rather than after. He should be the perfect trophy son no matter how messed they are on the inside. The irony.

"So why didn't you come yesterday?" Beomgyu asked tilting his head to the side as he manspread his legs winking at a girl who passed by. "I got wasted in my dad's private club and the rest is history." Beomgyu hummed as the girl from earlier threw a chit having her address and number.


Hueningkai rolled his eyes, he was totally gay but Beomgyu was Bisexual or so he said. Anyone could point out that he was totally gay for Yeonjun who was the friend of the one and only Choi Soobin. They entered Starbucks on Taehyun insisting to get his favorite Frappuccino.

"Hey!" Speak of the devil. "What do you want Choi Fucking Soobin " Hueningkai muttered through gritted teeth. "Keep your voice low twink we do not want them to know about our Rivalry now? Do we?" Soobin said with a scowl. That's right, they never really got along together yet had to keep it lowkey. "Hey babe!" An annoying high pitched squeal pierced the air as Mina sauntered over to Soobin, sitting on his lap and having a make out session for everyone to see. Hueningkai gagged at the sight .

Is public display of affection that necessary. I don't really know why did this Stupid Jerk took have to come to the same mall.

Choi Soobin was the heir of Pristine perfume company. The second largest company but the most popular one. Bottled Heaven and Pristine Perfumes kept competing for decades, But the tension between the companies subsided due to Hueningkai's parents marriage. Hueningkai's mother was the step sister of Soobin's uncle. So the two families began to meet often trying to form a bond ,outside they were the closest of the closest. But inside the Jealousy and competition have manifested to the roots.

Pristine perfumes lost its upward streak within last six months and now they had to bring it back. Bottled heaven was no different,it lost its streak too but was better functioning than Pristine Perfumes. But they were In the top 10 while Pristine dropped to Top 20.Soobin was handling the company as of now,t hey will probably marry him off to some heir of a company who doesn't care about business at all and let him control the company, this way they can get the company back on top sooner. Two birds killed with one stone.

Hmph typical....wait it kinda does sound like he might get married to him but no way pfft........what is he even thinking.

"What is wrong Kamal you look troubled,finding someone to please you huh? Twink."

"Choi bitch call me Twink once again and you will see who is the real one here." Hueningkai said with narrowed eyes. Soobin only smirked in return and turned his head towards the waiter who arrived at the table. Soobin and Hueningkai hated each other, they have since childhood.

It all started with a 3 year old Hueningkai crying for a chocolate which was later given to him by his mom but 5 year old Soobin pushed Hueningkai down to grab the chocolate and have it in front of Hueningkai mocking him. From there the Hate only grew stronger and stronger. Now they were at a point where they believed all the negative things told by the others on each other blindly. A mix of misconceptions is at what their relationship stands at present. But the catch is that no one knows Hueningkai and Soobin hate each other.

Once in middle school they had fought like cats and dogs which prompted the Principle to call their parents. That day they were taught to hide their hate and true self and put on a facade....a mask. At present both have them mastered the game of lies and deceit. To anyone on the outside they looked like only stranger asking for help as these insults were only whispered but with large plastic smiles on their faces.

Oh! If only they knew what the future held for them....

So what do you think about the first chap! Let me know!
Your author Trixie!!timetagger

Editing credits Esmeray0_4
Love ya 🖤

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