Chapter 29

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Hueningkai groaned as he got up, still not fully in his senses he snuggled deeper into the soft mattress inhaling the sweet cinnamon scent. His lips touched the soft mattress as he smiled in content.

He woke up with a jerk when he felt the mattress shiver under him,only to see Soobin gazing at him with a smile. "Didn't know you were a morning cuddler." Soobin smirked. Hueningkai only rolled his eyes and got up from Soobin, they fell asleep on the floor and Hueningkai was on top of him. No doubt he must be suffering from an immense back pain.

But Hueningkai could care less about the guy who practically threatened and forced him to move in. "I expect you to be here at 4pm sharp with your baggage." Soobin said in a stern tone after getting up himself. "And If i don't?" Hueningkai asked back gritting his teeth.

"You know the consequences sweetheart, Your daddy dearest will be on call and the fame you earned will go into ashes." Soobin said as entered the kitchen to brew himself a cup of coffee. "I hate you,You bastard" Hueningkai snarled at the tall man.



"Good to know." Soobin remained utterly calm, pouring the coffee into two mugs. "Coffee?" He asked giving it to the shorter male who snatched it out of his grasp and stomped away.

This elicited a chuckle from the older, even though Hueningkai was not too short, he still looked adorably tiny with all the whining he does.

He sauntered into the living room where his husband was slurping on his coffee......rather violently sitting on the couch. Soobin leaned down the couch and pressed a small kiss on his nape which drew out a Yelp from the surprised male.

"What the fuck Choi?" Hueningkai hollered ready to throw hands. "Oh I am just being an affectionate husband, don't mind me" His hand waved dismissively and sat next to Hueningkai on the couch. A sinister look was thrown his way as the fiesty munchkin scooted to the further end.

Soobin only smirked in response, as he set the coffee aside, he later reached to keep Hueningkai's mug aside all the while Kai watched him with child like curiosity.

"Wha-Oh!"Hueningkai gasped as Soobin pulled him on his lap. Hueningkai squirmed around to get up, but Soobin only tightened his arms around his waist. "Listen carefully Angel, I am a douche and I will give you that closure once I am ready, I need a little time maybe a day or two." Soobin said rubbing Hueningkai's waist oh so gently.

Hueningkai's resolve to hate him swayed a little but he did not show it out. "And What about Mina?" Hueningkai asked. The room suddenly turned grim. One broken to lose his first love and the other highly insecure and whose relationship was spoilt by the woman.

Soobin'stough and nonchalant persona broke out. His eyes turned vulnerable letting Kai see his raw emotions. He let down his guard and visibly shrunk as if to shield himself. He licked his parched lips before replying in a flat tone."We broke up, I told her she deserved better" Soobin choked out.

Hueningkai's eyes softened and he engulfed Soobin into a hug, Soobin responded by wrapping his arms around him and pressing his face into the crook of his neck as his sobs turned louder. Hueningkai held him steady as Soobin let out all that pent up emotions.

"I am the worst she could ever come for and I am so sorry for how I treated you" He mumbled on repeat and sobbed harder. Hueningkai himself had tears in his eyes, no one was at fault. Soobin loved Mina to the moon and back, the same goes for her too.

The freaking arranged marriage ruined it all. Even though he doesn't regret having Soobin as his husband he still feels guilty. It was their parents fault for forcing them but again what is done is done. Hueningkai could only hope to comfort Soobin as he stroked his hear occasionally pressing light pecks on Soobin's temple.

He whispered how selfless Soobin was by leaving Mina, she deserves more than being his affair. Soobin's sobs turned into small sniffles, he felt light as the pent up emotions flowed out. His sniffles died out, but he still did not release Hueningkai.

He only hugged him tighter inhaling the lemony scent which emitted from the shorter male sitting on his lap. "Want some breakfast? " Kai asked softly his hand still stroking the soft hair of Soobin."Mhm, M'hungry" he said slightly tilting his head up to gaze at the pretty orbs which made him feel loved.

They sparkled with love and affection and all Soobin wanted to do was drown and never resurface. Hueningkai chuckled lightly and freed himself from the iron grip and rushed to the kitchen, "I am making pancakes, the only breakfast I know!" He shouted from the kitchen. "Ok" Soobin replied slumping further on the couch.

The smell of pancakes wafted through the air which broke a smile on Soobin's face, he suddenly skipped to the kitchen to see Hueningkai cooking humming to a random song. He looked concentrated while flipping a pancake with his tongue poking out.

Soobin chuckled and wrapped his arms around Hueningkai's waist eliciting a gasp from him. "Really important I see" Soobin said. "Mhm it has to perrr~fect" Hueningkai drawled out. Hueningkai had just finished the pancakes, he moved to decorate them but Soobin quickly turned him.

He slowly nuzzled in his cheek, an feathery peck was placed. He leaned forward to capture those raspberry lips which were begging to be devoured. But a strawberry was placed in his mouth.

He looked confused at Hueningkai standing before him with a smirk. "You have to earn the kiss Mr.Bunny, I don't forgive easily" Hueningkai said cockily, as he exited the kitchen swaying his hips a little.

"I'll be going now! Gotta Bid my bye to Eunwoo and the breakfast's on the table" Hueningkai singsonged as he exited the house. The day before was hell of a ride.

Hope everything turns out smooth.
I was melting as I wrote the chapter 🥺🤧

This was such a soft chapter🥺
So how was did you find the chap to be?
Votes and comments are appreciated!!😁
Love ya 💖💖

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