Chapter 30

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Eunwoo woke up to Sun Ray's practically roasting him. He groaned out aloud and attempted to turn over, but still the Sun was attacking him on the behind. He grimaced and got up wanting to close the blinds to elresume his sleep when he heard the door opening.

His Senses were heightened and he staked to see who it was, only to be met with a adorable human. His hair ruffled, and a huge hoodie. He smiled widely, and immediately engulfed him in an hug. "Where were you?"
" I was at Soobin's" Hueningkai told him bashfully feeling guilty for making him worry. "Sorry" He apologised basking in the warmth of his body. "Its ok, Next time give a call or atleast a message." Eunwoo said stroking his hair.

Hueningkai nodded, with his hair bouncing and gave him a big smile. "So how did the meeting go with Mr. I always have a stick up my ass." Eunwoo said mocking Soobin, Hueningkai burst into peals of laughter hearing this. "Eunwoo!" He scolded while hitting his chest gently. Both of them chuckled, Mocking Soobin was a great hobby indeed.


It was 1 PM,and Soobin was getting restless. Hueningkai's words kept ringing in his head. He doesn't forgive easily and Soobin isn't sure on how to convince him." Sir!" Freya's voice interrupted his monologue. "Yes?" He replied indicating her to continue.

"Sir as requested some dirt was going on Tan corporation, They have many scandals which has been his away, But we could only find the false marketing, and human trafficking. My instinct tells that they do have some connection with underground black source, which covers up for them." She finished with a proud smile. "EXCELLENT!" Soobin beamed, his only rival company.

He knew it was wrong, but this is a corporate world we are talking about, what's business without some malice anyway. "Ask those editors Hueningkai threatened to publish it out." Soobin said, "But send it through someone else, no one related to our company must deliver the news" He warned Freya, his eyes darkening and voice turning to a deep growl.

She gave a meek nod clearly intimidated. With a self satisfied smile he dismissed her, he couldn't wait until he could meet Hueningkai. Some wonderful news, Both personal and professional. He quickly packed and ran out of the office," Freya I'll be leaving soon" He said to her and rushed out before she a got a word out.

He giggled like a high schooler in love as he skipped to the Florist nearby. The sweet scent of flower greeted him as he proceeded to the counter. "Hello!" He waved cheerfully to the old woman, judging by the tag she was a cashier and her name was Byeol.

"How can I help you?" She asked politely. "Is there any flower which symbolizes forgiveness and love?" He asked rocking back and forth,his eyes darting flower to flower. At the current moment he looked younger than usual, a wide smile with dimples on display, his eyes wide and bright shining like frozen Pearls. His nose was a slight red as he scrunched it lightly.

The woman smiled endearingly,"Yes there is, there are purple hyacinths and daffodils which indicate I am sorry and the Rose's of red amd pink which show passion and love." The woman explained pointing to the flowers faced on the window sill in small pots. "Thank you, I would love a bouquet of purple hyacinths and daffodils and also I would love 20 loose flowers of both pink and red roses" He said grinning widely.

"Ooh that's a big order son, I'll have it delivered in an hour. Please write the address." She said giving him a slip of paper and pen.

Soobin finally reached his home, hands holding five scented candles, and also the flowers would be delivered here any minute. He was ecstatic and he was sure he was going to make Hueningkai's entry memorable.

The door bell rang and he quickly rushed to out, and as expected a man was there holding the flower order. He happily recieved it and played the delivery man who looked a bit weirded out by Soobin's overenthusiastic response. Soobin seemed oblivious to it. He slammed the door on the poor man's face and glanced at them, huh it's going to take a long time to decorate. He checked the clock to see that it was 2.30 pm and immediately got to work.

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