Chapter 11

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"Sit down Boy,We have a lot to talk." Hueningkai's father said with gritted teeth."I told you to be careful " Soomin said with a disappointed sigh.

"Why?What's wrong? I know I should have stayed with Soobin but Mina was staying over and I did not want to interrupt their us time." Hueningkai said. "That's not what  we are worried of."His mom interrupted his apology. "Then?" Hueningkai trailed expecting an explanation.

"Look at these." Soomin threw a camera and few pictures at Hueningkai's foot. Hueningkai lifted them and was surprised to find Eunwoo and his pictures. They looked coupley enough. Eunwoo's arms were wrapped around his waist and his smile was on display. Hueningkai momentarily got distracted. "Hueningkai" His father's voice brought him out of his daze.

"Listen I don't care If you and Soobin hate each other or he has his girlfriend in his home,but you can't go hoeing around with unknown people. And the cherry on top is that he is a well known actor. I had to threaten and bribe the Paparazzi to give me the photos. Imagine what would have happened if I wouldn't have caught the guy." Soomin said with a steely voice.

Hueningkai gulped to the coldness present in her voice. "You better behave ,Soobin giving shelter to an useless trash like you is a big thing." Soomin finished off. His father nodded along. It was always his mom in power. "Now get lost." She gritted out showing the exit door.

Hueningkai's eyes were filled with tears but he refused to let them out. He picked out his clothes and climbed the motorcycle again givin one last pitiful glance at the woman he called as his mother. He quietly drove back to Soobin's house. He entered the house with a gloomy face. He was hurt, hungry and sad. A weird tangle of emotions indeed.

He sighed and first made himself some Ramen. It was his comfort food and he gobbled up the meal in delight. He licked his lips and climbed the stairs curious to check what the couple were doing. Oh how he wished he didn't go, he cursed his curiosity for the scene in front of him. Soobin and Mina were tangled in bedsheets naked.

Hueningkai felt a stab in his chest,this was like rubbing salt on an open wound. He chocked on his tears and ran down the stairs. He closed his mouth and threw himself on the couch. He buried and sobbed for hours and finally fell asleep. Dark circles and dried tears remained on his face as he dozed off.

Soobin woke up to the sun Ray's hitting his eyes. He groaned and pulled the body near him closer. He heard a girlish giggle which jolted him out of his sleepy state. He rubbed his eyes and looked down to see Mina looking at him endearingly. She was smiling wide and made kitten paws to get him kiss her.

He gave a small smile and gave her what she wanted. He later got out of the bed to get Mina some breakfast since she was sore. He climbed out stairs wincing as his back hurt. He directly went into the kitchen and got her breakfast ready.

He smiled satisfied at the outcome, he had toast,Orange juice and some omelets and bacon. He put down a peony on the tray.The peony was from Hueningkai's plant kept in the kitchen. He hummed happily as he carried the breakfast to her. That's when he noticed a body curled up on the couch.

Hueningkai looked cold.....Soobin instantly felt guilty. He gently shook Hueningkai to wake him up,but the guy only turned and snuggled further into the couch. Soobin's guilt was heightened looking the dark eye bags and tear stains on his face.

"Hueningkai" he called out again. This time Hueningkai did wake up he opened his eyes slowly flinching at the bright light flooding his room. "Soobin?" He called his voice hoarse. The said man helped Hueningkai get up. He  kneeled in front of him,slowly caressing his face. "When did you come home?" He asked keeping his tone gentle. "I came around 3 Am or something" Hueningkai said while blinking furiously.

"Let's get you cleaned up first,Come on" Soobin said as he helped Hueningkai to the bathroom. He waited outside till Hueningkai cleaned himself,later Soobin lended him his Shirt which drowned Hueningkai giving him adorable sweater paws. He gave the breakfast which he prepared for Mina to Hueningkai. Mina could wait.

"So why did you go outside?" Hueningkai knew it was coming. He sighed and told Soobin that he wanted some Solitude plus Mina said she would be staying. Soobin instantly fumed,Mina had lied to him. He stomped upstairs leaving Hueningkai confused. As soon as he entered the room.

"MINA WHY THE HELL DID YOU LIE TO ME YESTERDAY!!" His voice boomed through the house. "I Did not lie." Mina said calmly climbing out of the bed. Hueningkai reached the room too hearing all the commotion. "Lie?" He asked Soobin. "Yeah,She said you wanted a break from me and that's why you went to your Mom's house."Soobin explained his face still red. Hueningkai looked at Mina dubiously. "What?" She snarled out.

That was the last straw for Soobin. "Go away, You are not touching my house at all, Don't show your face ever again and leave my fiance alone." He said with cold steely voice. It sent shudders down Hueningkai's spine. Mina looked back and forth and muttered slowly"You are choosing him over me?"
"Yes , Yes I am if that's not obvious." Soobin said.

She huffed and dashed out of the house glaring at Hueningkai as she left. As soon as she did Soobin sighed and fell down ,Hueningkai immediately held him. Silence followed, except for thier breathing no one uttered a word. In this process Soobin turned and hugged Hueningkai which took him by surprise but he hugged back nonetheless.

"I am sorry Angel, I should have been more considerate." Soobin said.
"I don't want an apology Soobin,I know it's hard but I  do need you to choose between me or her, we have  only two days untill we get married." Hueningkai said. Soobin only hummed and pulled Hueningkai closer and placed a peck on his forehead.

Who is your bias in Txt? Or are you an ot5 like me😁
Everyone are so lovely ☺
Votes and comments are appreciated!!😊
Love ya Bonbons 🥰🥰

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