Chapter 28

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"Hey!" Yeonjun greeted Hueningkai as soon as saw him in the porch handling a very drunk Soobin, who seemed mindless of what he is blabbering. Hueningkai gave a small wave in return.

"So umm how is he holding up?" Yeonjun asked motioning to Soobin with his head. "He kept mumbling something,puked twice and passed out twice, got up to puke the third time." Hueningkai said with a scowl. He had enough of dealing with a troublesome drunk man. Yeonjun hummed looking at him pitifully.

"Right the keys?"  Hueningkai asked awkwardly. "Here" Yeonjun said while clearing him throat. The atmosphere around them was suffocating, the air still heavy with tension......The meories of the makeout on the club night did not make it any better. They were hella awkward and ut stuck out like a sore thumb to the others.

Hueningkai opened the door and Yeonjun dragged Soobin inside. The guy had completely passed and now reeked of vomit, alcohol and sweat. The duo's nose scrunched up at the unpleasant stench.

"So you will stay with him right?" Hueningkai asked Yeonjun who grunted internally. He just wanted to go and cuddle Beomgyu and Soobin was making that really difficult for him. But he couldn't just ditch Hueningkai considering the situation the couple were in. He nodded quietly and Hueningkai beamed in return.

"Ok let's get this to shower and brush his teeth first." Hueningkai said and they both dragged the heavy human to the bathroom. After Soobin was cleaned, Yeonjun put on some comfy clothes on Soobin and laid him in bed with some pills and water on the bedside table with a sticky note warning Soobin about the hangover.

Hueningkai smiled at the act, if only he had such caring friends. Eunwoo was a sweetheart of course but he did miss Taehyun and Beomgyu at times seven though they brought the worst out of each other. Yeonjun snapped his fingers in front of Hueningkai's face to break his trance.

"Yeah?"Hueningkai asked. "I asked if you wanted to eat anything? "Yeonjun asked again moving his hands around. "Sure" Hueningkai said skipping to the couch. Food always lifted his mood up, not to mention he celebrated all his emotions with food.

"How about we go to the Ramen shop I know, they serve the best in town." Yeonjun said clapping his hands. He was no different than Hueningkai when it came to food. "But Soobin...." Kai trailed off not wanting to leave the male in his vulnerable state. "He will be fine,its only a five minute walk from here" Yeonjun reassured. Hueningkai begrudgingly agreed.

They immediately made their way out after locking the house. It was midnight, chilly air swooshed over their faces and calm night with almost no one around. They embraced the silence appreciating the calm until Hueningkai decided to break it.

"Umm...I am assuming you know Beomgyu?" Hueningkai asked.
More than you could. With that thought Yeonjun nodded swiftly facing the younger. "Is he in touch with you?" Hueningkai's voice was meek and timid. "Yeah, I do"

"How is he doing?"

"Pretty good actually and Taehyun was a bit backtracked when he heard about you.. they both haven't talked since but Taehyun is keeping well amd Beomgyu is fantastic." Yeonjun explained about both of them predicting the next question already. Hueningkai hummed and stayed silent.

The whole trip to the shop and back was filled with silence, neither knew what to speak about but both did need that silence after all the mess in their lives. Yeonjun contemplated on telling Hueningkai about his relationship with Beomgyu but he did not want to create any more rift between the friends. They arrived at the house with their tummies filled.

Hueningkai directly went into Soobin's room after entering the house. But to find no one there, his heart dropped to his knees. God he knew he shouldn't have left the guy alone. Yeonjun was soon informed and both of them turned the house inside out,but still no trace of Soobin.

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