Chapter 12

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The two days passed by quickly. The past two days were somewhat peaceful for Hueningkai and Soobin. Soobin went to work everyday and Hueningkai tended to home. One of these days he even made spicy lentil dish for dinner which Soobin took an instant liking to.

Hueningkai recieved compliments and kisses, he giggled at the shower of affection. That adorable sound only rewarded him with more kisses. The next day Soobin again was delighted to find the lentil dish again. Hueningkai discovered his knack for cooking in that time. But he could not try any other dishes for he was getting married tomorrow.

This morning Ara had come to pick him up, Soomin and his dad were in the venue setting up and saw that they had the perfect floral setup. Hueningkai knew that the setup would be grand and lavish,that's how his mother preferred. He preferred something simple and rustic. But his opinion never mattered anyway.

"Darling we are going to get your suit in an hour." Ara said with a bright smile. "Sure Ara." He said mirroring her smile. "Maybe we could go and you could select a dress for me too." Ara said enthusiastically. "We definitely will." Hueningkai said with the same zest. He liked Ara she seemed the most approachable person out off all their parents.

"How about Soobin's suit?" He asked curiously. "He already got that altered, Your suit is too but you have a lost weight and now I am not sure if it's going to fit fine." Ara said raking her eyes through his form. "Have you been eating properly honey?" She asked with concern. "Oh I have Ara..Don't worry." Hueningkai assured her. She did not seem satisfied so Hueningkai diverted the topic.

"Hey maybe we could get some necklace and earrings. " He said and instantly Ara was buzzing around rambling about diamonds and sapphires. He made sure that the final decision on the rings would be his pick. She was too far gone to care, only readily agreed when Hueningkai stated his demands.

They went to have lunch, a simple meal of Pizza oatmeal. 
Hueningkai loved it and complimented Ara who beamed back.

Looks like people barely noticed who was cooking. Even If they did, they did not appreciate it. I would have been elated if Soomin did that for me Hmph.

Soon enough after the lunch they climbed Volvo car in order to reach their stops.

First they stopped at the Designer, where Hueningkai's suit was altered a bit, the boy had gotten skinny. Hueningkai loved the suit, It was a pure white coat and pants with a white ruffled shirt underneath. It had a pretty flower at the collar matching the floral theme.

Soobin's suit was also collected, it was a whole contrast to Hueningkai's. It was charcoal black from the shirt to the tie and the suit. The whole set was black. Hueningkai tried to imagine how Soobin would look in it but couldn't get a clear picture.

Later they visited another boutique to select a dress for Ara. Hueningkai selected the dress for her as she insisted him. He selected a cream colour dress and lace sleeves which reached the floor. It was pretty on Ara. Then they visited the jewellery store to select rings and accessories for Ara.

They selected pretty diamond rings, the one with a big diamond for Hueningkai and a plain one for Soobin. Ara selected a pair of diamond and Emrald earrings with an emrald choker. It was a set and it was beautiful on Ara. Hueningkai knew where Soobin got his Gene's from she was really pretty.

After fawning over the new Jewellery they took to the small Ramen shop nearby to have some snack. They were tired from all the loitering around they did. Later they had a thick shake and some waffles.

Hueningkai loved Ara even more and was more comfortable with her than his own mother. Soomin wouldn't have let him eat anything quoting it as he should maintain his figure for tomorrow. Hueningkai rolled his eyes at the thought. They reached home late.

Ara left him alone saying he couldn't see Soobin for the night. Hueningkai went up to wash up and change into pajamas. Nervous would be an understatement to how Hueningkai is feeling now.

He was getting married to Soobin tomorrow, his enemy...he had a girlfriend who was annoying AS FUCK. She even went to the lengths of lying to create misunderstanding between them. He sighed out aloud and went near the window to gaze at the night sky which was really pretty. Maybe he would find Comfort in the stars.

A knock interrupted his thoughts.He whirled around to see Ara peeking in from the door. He chuckled and motioned her to come inside which she complied to with a smile.

"What did you want Ara?" He asked with a smile. "I just wanted to ask you what's wrong, you seem a bit off." She said standing in front of him. Hueningkai sighed and sat on the bed,"I am getting wedding jitters just a bit more intense than normal."

"Oh honey, I know how that can be...When it was my wedding I was on the verge of breaking down and mind you your father in law was douche at that time, always had a stick up his ass." Hueningkai snorted at that.

"Don't think too much Darling, it will be fine and I will always beat Soobin's ass if he misbehaves. I am just a call away." She said, her tone light and breezy. They chatted for a bit more and Ara later left with a hug. Hueningkai's tension was eased a little bit, his admiration for Ara grew ten times.

She instantly made him feel at comfort and Hueningkai loved that. He smiled in content and got in bed but flinched when two arms wrapped from behind. He smiled at the familiar warmth.

"Figured you would need some moral support " Soobin whispered from behind. "Shut up, You are the one who needs it." Hueningkai defended himself. Soobin snickered, "You got me there angel." With that he placed a peck on Hueningkai's nape and whispered a good night. "Ara is going to beat your ass tomorrow." Hueningkai whispered before they fell asleep.
I love Ara too much in this story.🥺🥺
She is such a sweetheart and a cool mom🤩🤩
Hueningkai's and her interactions make me soft 🥰
So what's your thoughts on Ara?
Votes and comments are appreciated!!😁😁
Have good day/night Bonbons 😘

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