Chapter 3

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"What the fuck Is going on?" Soobin breathed out. He was going to marry the person he hates the most He was seconds away from exploding, but considering they were outside he struggled to keep his composure.

He excused himself and pulled his Father to one side. "Why didn't you tell me that I was marrying Hueningkai?!" He whisper shouted through gritted teeth, the vein on his neck popping out and his face had turned red. "You can skip this anyway son, You are running away with Mina tomorrow so how does it even matter."  Soobin's Father said with a shrug.

Soobin turned eerily calm with the statement." You are correct how does it even matter ,because when you did not do the effort of telling me whom I was gonna marry at least for courtesy, why would I care about your crumbling company..." 
"You are the CEO Soobin, its your Company now. Quit being a hypocrite." His dad said rolling his eyes.

With that He left Soobin, his words harsh on Soobin reminding him the responsibilities he carries on his shoulders. If he were to quit then everything would be chaos, hiding away from all the prying eyes his whole life and also forced to bear the burden of the insults and the accusations. Soobin winced at the predicament. He loved his company ,he really did but....he was selfish, and that's what makes it human doesn't it. He was getting married in less than six days from now to Hueningkai. He was scared as soon as he saw Hueningkai in those black pants and silk white shirt tucked in showing his perfect figure. His hair was swiped to the left revealing a small peak of his forehead.

Soobin has had this notion of Hueningkai being attractive from about few weeks. Hueningkai was handsome without a doubt but Soobin.....never really noticed how much until these few days. It all started when he stumbled on a Hueningkai fan account. He blamed the account for making such ethereal pictures of the male, he managed to look just fine in a hoodie and was able to pull off a suit in the same way. He gulped at the thoughts forming in his head. This is wrong he had a girlfriend who loved him as much as he loved her. He was running away with her tomorrow that's it. He can be selfish for once, he has that right.


Hueningkai was no different but he took it more than light than Soobin because he knew Soobin had a girlfriend and he wouldn't have to get along that prick. Still he pushed his mother to the side and screamed at her who just rolled her eyes. "Listen here you worthless piece of shit you aren't going to control the company anyway so shut up and get married." She said pressing in his arm hard leaving nail marks.

He flinched at pain ,eyes filling up with tears but his pride was too much to let them down his face. He sniffled lightly and dabbed his eyes to clear the accumulated tears. He went back into the shop. As soon as he spotted Soobin's family he turned to leave but a hand around his wrist stopped him. "Why" With that his mother was pulling him towards Soobin's family who looked like predators looking at him.

Soobin looked equally uncomfortable which he was thankful for if he would have one more person gazing at him with the Same intensity, he would have crashed from anxiety.

"Hello darling,don't you look pretty." Soobin's mom Ara said while kissing Hueningkai's cheek. Hueningkai cringed a bit at it but only gave a sugary smile at her. He exchanged a handshake with Soobin's dad Sungho with a tight lipped smile. Soobin didn't the same with his parents with a straight face. They just nodded their heads together. Kwan ,Hueningkai's father shooed Hueningkai and Soobin to pick their own clothes for the engagement party.

They gave awkward smiles and sauntered away from their into the clothes section. "So what do want to wear ?" Soobin asked awkwardly. "Shouldn't you be asking your Girlfriend?" Hueningkai replied back.
"And are you really getting married,doesn't sound like your Jackass."

"Mind your Buisness."  Soobin said in a stern voice as be moved to look through the suits kept on.

Hueningkai spotted Soomin, his mom. "What do you want mom?" He asked in a hostile tone. "There are camera eyes and ears everywhere,act with Soobin and tell the boy too." His mom hissed at him.

He gritted his teeth at that but nonetheless hurried over to Soobin. He explained the whole thing to Soobin. "Fine" Soobin said while shrugging like it was no big deal. "Try this out",Soobin held out a white suit in his arms. "No absolutely not" Hueningkai said with a grimace."I thought cameras like eyes surrounded us." Soobin said with a fake ass smile. "Fine " Hueningkai gritted out but he took the suit he selected for himself too.

But before he could go inside ,a saleswoman approached Soobin with a sweet smile. Her flirting was too basic. Soobin was struggling to be polite and Hueningkai loved every second of it,He looked at Hueningkai for help but Hueningkai only shrugged. "That giant egoistic asshole is getting fried and do I love it."Hueningkai mumbled to himself with a smile.

A tap shook him out of his thoughts,he glanced down at sales woman giving him a glare. "You are gonna marry Soobin huh?" She asked with a grimace.

This bitch......she wants to play like this huh The game's on bitch,That giant egoistic asshole is mine.

With that in mind ,Hueningkai approached Soobin with a sly smile which in all honesty scared Soobin. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. "W-what is it?" He stuttered out trying to maintain his cool. "Soobin~Would you try this suit for me?" Hueningkai sang out pulling the suit given by the sales woman away who fuming in the back. Before Soobin could protest he stood on toes and pecked Soobin's cheek. "Please" he said while playing with Soobin's shirt second button.

Soobin gulped hard at the underlying threat under the sugary voice,he knew that if he did not do what this guy wanted then next consequence wouldn't be pretty. He meekly nodded and took the suit out of his hands and wordlessly sauntered towards the trial room. Hueningkai turned and gave a victorious smirk to the sales woman who stomped away with a scowl.

Serves you right champanzee looking bitch.

The door clicking turned Hueningkai's head in the direction. "Soo.." He trailed off. Hueningkai bit his lip looking at him,"Oh you look good,I would totally smash if it weren't for your girlfriend." He commented with a lazy smirk. "S-shut up." Soobin said as his face turned scarlet hearing that.

"Now you go." He shooed off Hueningkai to try the Suits. Soon enough Soobin was drooling on Hueningkai when he came out clad in the suit he himself selected. The irony....he said he would have Hueningkai drooling but now that person turned out to be himself.

"I know I look hot,but close your mouth." Hueningkai said annoyed. "Now go on and try what I selected." Soobin said. Hueningkai rolled his eyes but nonetheless complied. "Fuck" Soobin said as soon as Hueningkai came out,he looked freaking ethereal in that suit. "You are correct,this does look nice on me." Hueningkai said.

You would look good even in rags.

Soobin thought but refrained from telling outside for obvious reasons. They ended up buying the Suits selected by each other. "See you in the engagement party bitch."
"See you too Asshole."

With these sweet words they parted.
And we have to wait for their Beautiful wedding.....
Oh boy,How joyful is this gonna be 😅
If a poly relationship was in Txt,Who would you think it would be?
Votes and comments are appreciated!!😁😁
Love ya Bonbons 🖤
Signing off Trixie 🤗

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