Meeting Her

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Daniel 'Danny' Fenton was very sad. His parents never notice him anymore. His sister was too busy studying to make their parents proud. He wakes up with almost no breakfast as everyone almost ate them all. He was very malnourished and sick. It also got worst since it was a very cold December. Currently Dash and his friends were throwing snowballs at him. He tried to get away but Dash tied his ankle to a tree.

"Hey Fenturd! You enjoying the cold?! How about you enjoy it some more!" Dash shouted. He made the biggest snowball that his friends also carried it. Closing his eyes ready to take the hit but it never came. He opened his eyes to see what happened.

"Let go of the poor boy. And never tell this to anyone." A woman's voice was heard. It was a very scary woman glaring at Dash and the others. She has a murderous aura around her that they pissed their pants and ran. She turned to me. The first thing I noticed that she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She wore a light blue but nearly white kimono meaning she's from another country. With darker blue Chrysantemum and Camellia with connecting branches design on it. Snow white, long hair with amethyst eyes. She also wears a summer hat with white cherry blossoms as it's design on its left front side. Her kimono has a dark blue obi, a white obi-age, and a cherry blossom-shaped obi-dome. She wears tabi socks with a blue strapped waraji for footwear.

"Young man are you alright?" She asked. I nodded and she offered her hand. I accepted it and stood up. She looked at me with curiosity.

"Where are your parents or guardians? A young boy such as you should never be out alone like this." She asked again. I looked at her with tearing eyes because this was the first time that someone actually showed him care. The last time he felt that is when he was almost 4. She looked at me immediately understanding the situation.

"Young man, what's your name?" She asked.

"Daniel Fenton, but they call me Danny." I answered.

"Nice to meet you Danny. I'm Shiroyuki Yukimura. Do you want to hang out with me?" She said. I was overjoyed to hear that. Someone actually wants to be with me!

"Yes ma'am. But why me?" I asked.

"Oh, why not? Is there something wrong with hanging out with you?" She asked again. She was a bit angry and I can feel it.

"They say I'm a freak geek. All because I'm not like my genius parents and sister. My parents believed in ghosts and people don't. I just wish they were normal once. They stopped paying attention to me ever since my fourth birthday and I can't even have a normal family conversation with them anymore." I answered with tears. She pulled me to a tight hug.

"There, there. Let it all out Danny. Release it all. The sadness, frustration and everything. It's not good to hold it because it will hurt you more." She said. I did what she said and she carried me to a nearby bench in the park. I cried for almost half an hour.

"All better?" She asked. I nodded and held her arm.

"May I stay with you ma'am?" I asked.

"Sweetie, I can hang out with you but your parents might get worried if you stayed with me for too long. It's 3:20, how about we go shopping?" She asked.

"Yes! Yes! Ma'am!" I answered with excitement.

"Oh and call me Aunt Yuki. Ma'am makes me feel old." Aunt Yuki said. We went to the mall and I bought presents from my savings for my family. I still have 10 dollars left. Aunt Yuki is still busy buying a snack for us when I saw a pretty necklace with a diamond-like snowflake design. It was pretty so I bought it secretly for her. We hang out until it was 5:00. I was so exhausted that she carried me to my place.

"Can you tell me more about you, Aunt Yuki?" I asked.

"Alright kiddo. I'm 22 years old, single and from Japan obviously. I used to live in a small village. I had a friend who's from Russia. He was funny a bit and we used to hang out a lot back then ever since we were 6. He was always lonely if I'm not around. I lived with my father until he passed away when I was 8. But enough talking were almost there. Your lucky you still have parents even if they neglect you Danny and never forget that." Aunt Yuki said. Then let me down and said goodbye.

At Christmas...
We met each other again at Christmas. I went out to her house since she told me where she lived at our last meeting. She lives in a small house with 1 kitchen, dining, living and bathroom. She also has 3 bedrooms. One for her, me and if there is ever another guest. I knocked the door and she let me in. We exchanged stories since my parents were busy with a Christmas party with Jazz but forgot about me.

"Aunt Yuki, here. Merry Christmas!" I said and hand her over a small box. She took it and opened it.

"Aww. What a wonderful gift! Thank you." She said and wore the necklace.

"And here's for you Danny." She said and gave a medium sized box. I opened it and it was a book about Astronomy and a journal.

"Thanks, Aunt Yuki." I said. Years passed and our relationship grew deeper and deeper. She taught me other languages like Japanese, German, Chinese, Esperanto, French, and Russian. She also taught me different cultures, biology, chemistry, physics, advance mathematics, myths, religion, with Astronomy and Literature being my favorites. She also taught something a bit darker like how to fight. Hand to hand, sword art, how to use any kind of gun, and first aid for gunshots and deadly wounds. They aren't that dark but this what she taught me that is dark: How to fake ID, personality change, how the underground operates, and other stuff like that. It made me wonder about her past but I never pried on it.

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