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Danny was almost fully living in his Aunt Yuki's residence. He sleeps there most of the days and does everything there. His parents never noticed that they never check in him that much anymore. Jazz was suspicious but she never questioned him nor think about it. She was too busy studying and accomplishments to make our parents proud. He was very happy with Yuki in her house. But when a certain event happened let's just say she became very overprotective. This happened a month ago the day before my 6th birthday.

Danny and Yuki planned to celebrate his birthday at the day before so his parents won't be suspicious. Yuki gave him a book titled  'The Tale of Panorama Island'. ( Written by Edogawa Ranpo 😜 ) It was an interesting book of trickery, deception, and debauchery. It was mature but I was too mature in the inside said by Aunt Yuki. After we celebrated I went home to see my parents and sister to see if they remember my birthday.

"Bye Aunt Yuki!" Danny said and walked home. He walked for a few minutes and took a turn in an alleyway. A short cut to his house from Yuki's. He saw a man entering from the other entrance of the alleyway but he was running. I heard a gunshot and the man who entered fell to the ground. I froze in fear when I saw another man with calm eyes.

"Another witness. Why do always get witnesses of my kills? Oh well I'll just kill him like the others." The killer said. He pointed his gun at the boy. But before he could pull the trigger. He suddenly jumped back and I saw a red slash. A giant, glowing figure was floating in front of me. It was male, has short black hair that reaches to his shoulders. Red glowing eyes but no features. His skin was very pale and he wore a black yukata with tabi socks and geta sandals. He was holding a clear, giant, black sword while holding its rectangular,  wooden-like, black sheath. The attacker was shocked.

( If you add Demon Snow and Tsubaki from Servamp you get Daniel's ability. ) Thsi is Tsubaki for those who doesn't know:

 ) Thsi is Tsubaki for those who doesn't know:

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"Your an ability user, boy?" He asked. I was confused what's an ability user? He tried to shoot me again but the figure blocked the bullet and tried to kill him. But another figure appeared and blocked his sword. It was similar to it except it's a woman. She has glowing white hair and her appearance and clothes were similar to Aunt Yuki's. But the design were cherry blossoms. I saw someone's shadow entering the alleyway from where I came from. I turned around and it was Aunt Yuki! She looked pissed at the attacker like when we first met.

"What kind of business does the Night's Shadow doing here in Amity Park?" She asked. The attacker 'Night's Shadow narrowed his eyes and suddenly looked surprised.

"I, I, I'm sorry! I didn't know this boy is related to you, Phantom Assassin!" He screamed. He took down his gun and did a dogeza, begging for mercy. She looked at thin coldly and sighed.

"I'll forgive you just this once. Come back and try to harm this boy and I will kill you." She said.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much! I will remember this mercy you have given me. And the honor of it. My lady of Japan, the Phantom Assassin, the number 1 assassin of the whole world." He said with joy and left immediately. I was shocked at what I heard. Aunt Yuki is an assassin, not just any assassin but number 1 of the world.

'Is this dream? This can't be true! Aunt Yuki, a kind and wonderful woman who is an assassin! Impossible!' Those kind of thoughts were running in my head. Yuki sighed and picked me up.

"Sleep at my place. Your parents aren't home. They went to California with your sister when I called. I came here to get you but instead we encountered Night's Shadow. Especially in one of his assassinations. I will explain everything back there. This isn't the best place to explain everything especially if it's a confidential topic like ability users." She explained then walked back to hers. The reached to her house and sat at the couch.

"I know you want answers, Daniel so I will start about Ability users first. Is that alright?" Yuki questioned. Daniel just nodded his head and perked his head in interest showing that he will listen to her.

"Ability users are people who posses supernatural powers. They were considered urban legends by ordinary people. But the government knows of our existence so us ability users were highly coveted. They want to use us as weapons for war. We were hunted down especially children since they are easier to manipulate. I was one of those children. When I was 6 my ability manifested. The government discovered it and did the feared protocol. It means if they find an ability user in a city they will kill his or her family then pronounce and fake their cause of deaths. Then take the ability user and train him or her to be servants of the government. But if it's an isolated home, village or town they wipe them out then take the ability user. Like mine." She explained but stopped. She looks sad reliving the memories she wanted to forget so badly.

"Its okay if you want to stop for the night." Danny offered feeling like he should stop her.

"No, no. You need to know before its too late. We ability users have different kinds of abilities but some can be the same. They aren't genetic but can be passed down to blood relatives. But that technique of passing down is a secret among us. No one must ever know about it. Our abilities are the same but with different appearance. To be truthful yours is very rare. A male with that kind of ability. It mostly manifests to females but males are stronger than us. So if the government were to choose it would be you. By any chance did words pop out in your mind when it manifested?" She asked.

"Now that you mention it. The words 'Tsubaki Genzou'  popped in my head." Danny answered. ( Camellia Phantom )

"Good that's the name of your ability. Mine is 'Yuki Rei no Sakura'." ( Cherry Blossoms of the Snow Spirit ) She explained.

"How do I control my ability?" Danny asked. Yuki smiled at him.

"Don't worry I got it all covered. All I need is your parents signing some papers for the get go. Think you can trick them?" She explained and pulled out some papers about adoption. Danny smiled and nodded.

The next two day, Danny went back home to see his parents and sister returning. They were tired which was the perfect time.

"Mom, dad I need you to sign some papers for something. Please sign it." Danny said. Maddie grabbed the papers, without looking at them and signed including Jack. Jazz was suspicious but never spoke.

"Thanks mom and dad!" Danny said and went back to his Aunt Yuki's residence. He put the papers in her mailbox and left. Yuki came out after 10 minutes and took the papers for its official legalization. So no one can bother them anymore even Jack and Maddie can't do anything once Yuki legalized it. But those papers aren't just normal adoption papers. They are papers exclusively for Ability users only. Ability guardians are ability users who adopt younger ability users.

If an ability user who is still a kid in age they can possibly be raised by the government, a legal or illegal organization, or by another ability user who has legalization regardless of age. Mostly they are left alone and never bother them except the government. Since it was believed a long time ago until now that THERE ARE NO CHILDREN IN THE WORLD OF ABILITY USERS. They were highly discriminated and abused as a result. Most ability users as a result were one of the most elusive and dangerous criminals in the whole world.

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